Abstract:The Paris Agreement 2015 has affirmed the "from bottom to top" greenhouse gases reduction goal, therefore, there is a crying need for the co-governance of multiple subjects including Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the area of climate change. Actually, FAO has extended its work scope from traditional food security to assisting developing countries in addressing climate change. However, objectively, there are still a series of problems, such as rigid international cooperation model, mismatch between institutional settings and overall objectives, weak operational capacity and low transparency of work. FAO should give more prominence to climate change response in its own reform and governance, strengthen interaction and linkages with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change system, and create a database of developing countries on climate change and food security. Meanwhile, as the biggest developing country, and a big agricultural and greenhouse gas emission country, China should also actively participate in global climate governance process, promote the improvement of climate change response mechanism and innovate agricultural development strategy and carbon financing scheme.