2025年3月28日 周五
Asking for space for the future: On the logic and practical purpose of economic space of new productive forces
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    Human productivity is a process of development and evolution from low to high forms, and the leap and development of productivity is inseparable from the drive of new technological change. The new quality productivity is the innovation and development of Marxist productivity by General Secretary Xi Jinping based on the great changes unseen in a century, which further highlights the status and role of scientific and technological innovation in the process of qualitative change of productivity, and points out the way forward for rural revitalization and Chinese modernization in the new era. As a category that relies on key technologies to achieve qualitative leapfrog development of productivity, new quality productivity not only realizes the innovative development of the three elements of productivity, but also plays a revolutionary role in high-quality economic development, especially in the production of new economic space. From the perspective of theoretical basis, Marx profoundly explained the deep correlation logic between productive forces and innovation with the help of the capitalist mode of production, and clarified the theoretical premise for grasping and understanding the economic spatial logic of the new quality productive forces. From a practical point of view, the deepening of the socialist economy has expanded the economic spatial logic of the new quality of productive forces, and has made important contributions to the innovation and development of Marxist political economy in the 21st century. Based on the above-mentioned new era, it is necessary to further optimize the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation, create a new economic space for the new quality of productive forces with innovative theories and institutional mechanisms, and at the same time formulate an economic development strategy for the new technological revolution, and open up new economic space for the new quality of the productive forces with socialist competitive advantages and forward-looking planning and layout.

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