2025年3月28日 周五
Practical logic and normative coordination of “multi-tasker” of village Party secretary
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    The Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee and power engine to promote the modernization of rural social governance and realize rural revitalization. At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was clearly proposed that primary-level Party organizations play a key role in ensuring the exercise of the Party's leadership.. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, village party organizations and villagers' committees are both the main bodies of rural core governance, which is a key variable affecting rural economic and social development. The "multi-tasker" of village Party secretary not only meets the objective demand of the governance subject with the ability to coordinate interests, sense of responsibility and good moral character due to the complexity of the current rural governance affairs and derivative relationships, but also embodies the Party's important organizational arrangement to achieve the goal of common prosperity and high-quality development in rural areas. Clarifying the practical logic, internal structure and normative coordination of the "multi-tasker system will help to clarify and improve the rural social governance system from the overall framework level and provide institutional potential for improving its governance capacity. On the perspective of functionalism study finds that the "multi-tasker" village Party secretary contains multiple practical logics for practicing the governance concept of the Whole-Process People's Democracy,promoting the governance model of "Three Governance Fusion ", and achieving the effect of interest coordination in governance. Combined with the analysis of the institutional text, the textual expressions of party regulations and national laws for " multi-tasker " are both coupled and intersectional, and also have the characteristics of "specific-general", "sequential undertaking", "parallel connection", "strict-bottom" and other normative forms. However, in practice, the poor coordination between party regulations and national laws may cause some problems such as insufficient capacity of the " multi-tasker " subject, weak public opinion base, and anomie in power exercise. Adhering to the principle of overall planning of party regulations and national laws, interaction between central and local governments, and equal emphasis on encouragement and supervision, and we will strive to promote the normative coordination between internal party regulations and national laws from the aspects of leadership regulations, election procedures, democratic decision-making and power supervision. which will help realize the predetermined function of " multi-tasker ". Specifically, at the level of leadership regulations, the norms of leadership of higher-level party organizations and the norms of leadership of other rural organizations by village party organizations are improved; at the level of election regulations, public opinion collection is set as a necessary procedure for the election of village party secretaries, and remedial measures are clarified for village party branch secretaries who are not elected as heads of village committees; at the level of decision-making regulations it should clarify the contents that should be discussed and decided by village party organizations, and optimize the procedures of democratic consultation decision-making in rural areas; at the level of supervision norms, it should introduce special norms on village (community) inspection and supplementary norms on village affairs supervision.

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