2025年3月24日 周一
Research on the mechanism of the protection of identity rights with reference to the protection of personality rights
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    The right to identity and the right to personality together form a complete system of personal rights, which is indispensable for realizing the value, dignity and freedom of civil subjects. However, compared with the independent compilation of the right to personality, the systematization of the right to identity has made limited progress, which is still scattered in the compilation of general principles, marriage and family, and other laws, and has not yet completed the task of confirming the right. Under such legislative arrangements, in order to alleviate the shortcomings in the supply of legal sources and the insufficient density of norms, Article 1001 of the Civil Code was born. Marriage and family are the basic context of identity rights, and identity rights that are not related to ethical identity relations are not the identity rights referred to in this article. The logical premise for the protection of identity rights by referring to applicable provisions of the protection of personality rights is that there is no provision in the identity law, which can be clarified by a comprehensive list of the existing provisions in the written law and a typical induction of the filling of loopholes in judicial practice. The identity rights stipulated in the statutory law can be divided into four categories based on the different orientations of identity interests: altruistic rights, mutually beneficial rights, beneficial rights and common benefit rights. The lack of provisions in the identity law in the judge’s vision can be divided into two categories: based on legislative consciousness and based on legislative omissions. It should be very cautious when referring to the provisions on the protection of personality rights in the former situation. The key nature of judging whether can apply with reference to the protection provisions of personality rights is the strength of the absolute right attribute of identity rights. As for promoting socialist core values, maintaining public order and good customs, and protecting the interests of vulnerable groups, they can only demonstrate the need to protect identity rights in value judgments, but cannot demonstrate that it is necessary to refer to the protection of personality rights. Therefore, it can only be grasped as an important property. The lack of external publicity means and the strong internal relativity of identity rights affect the strength of the absolute right attribute of identity rights, which makes it impossible to describe the moral character of identity rights from a static dimension. We should focus on the relevance of the relief rights of identity rights and the relief rights of personality rights in the context of protection. The provisions on the protection of personality rights include not only those in the compilation of personality rights, but also those in the compilation of tort liability. However, the application of the relevant provisions of tort liability must be premised on the application of Article 1001 of the Civil Code. In addition to the provisions on methods of bearing civil liability for personality rights, compensation for moral damages, and non-transferability and inheritance of personality rights, the provisions on determination of civil liability for infringement of personality rights, non-application of limitations of action, injunctions on personality rights, and compensation for moral damages for breach of contract may also be referred to for the protection of identity rights.

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