2025年3月22日 周六
An analysis of the threefold rationale of the innovative development of Chinese civilization
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    The Third Plenary Session of the Twentieth Central Committee of the CPC launched the historical process of further deepening reforms in an all-round manner and pushing forward Chinese-style modernization, mapped out a grand blueprint for comprehensively advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, and pointed out a new direction for promoting cultural prosperity, constructing a cultural powerhouse, and fostering the innovative development of Chinese civilization. Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is a profound summary of the laws of socialist cultural construction and the development of human civilization, providing fundamental guidelines and scientific guidance for the innovative development of Chinese civilization. Xi Jinping Thought on Culture leads the innovative development and construction of Chinese civilization, insisting on not forgetting the past, absorbing the present and facing the future, and correctly handling the dialectical relationship between tradition and modernity, and between the local and the foreign, in the course of further promoting the "two combinations". From a historical perspective, Chinese civilization is a form of civilization that is constantly evolving on the basis of the continuation of traditional civilizations, and the continuous nature of civilization requires that it always follows its own path by observing and innovating; From a global perspective, Chinese civilization is a form of civilization formed through continuous exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations, and the inclusive nature of civilization requires openness and tolerance and the consolidation of cultural subjectivity, so as to draw on and absorb all the outstanding civilizational achievements of humankind; From the perspective of modernization, Chinese civilization is a form of civilization that has achieved modernisation and transformation on the basis of Chinese-style modernization, and the innovative nature of civilization requires that Chinese-style modernization should continuously open up new paths and follow the trend of the development of human civilization, so as to promote the regaining of Chinese civilization’s glory.

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