2017, 23(3):45-51.DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.2017.03.005
Abstract:The differentiation integration of product and service in supply chain must evolve into innovation-modes of product and service supply chain.In view of the differentiation of integration characteristic of product and service,this paper establishes classification figure of product and service supply chain modes based on the differentiation integration of product and service.Considering the differentiation integration of product and service having significant impact on product and service supply chain,this paper puts forward four kinds of typical modes,which are interactive type of PSSC,derivative type of PSSC,assistant type of PSSC and loose type of PSSC.The paper analyzes the connotation and characteristic of each supply chain modes with actual cases,develops the analysis of the applicable for each supply chain modes,establishes the cooperation relationships conformed to internal relations between supply chain enterprises,and proposes the development countermeasures when enterprises implement the product and service supply chain.
2001, 7(1):32-34.
Abstract:我国计算机产业过去主要依靠关税保护和实施进口替代 战略而得以发展,经过初步计算,目前关税有效保护率仍高达13.89%。由于我国计算机产业尚处于产业成长初期,入世后,应加强对非关税贸易壁垒和技术引进效率的研究,以促进我国民族计算机产业在竞争激烈的国际市场上健康、迅速地发展壮大。,The development of Chinese computer indust ry was benefit from trade protection and import substitution strategy in the past. In the paper, several methods to measure the trade protection degree are provided. And the present effective protection degree of computer industury is c alculated to be 13.89%. The result shows that it is necessary to take some prote cting measures to accelerate computer industry growing in the international mark et.
1999, 5(2).
Abstract:Water is the origin of life and the lifeblood of agriculture. The sustainable use of water resources is the base and the core of the sustainable development of agriculture. This paper, recogrizing waer resources from the angle of sustainable development,
1999, 5(1).
Abstract:From some aspects of information technology industry, information service trades and etc., this paper introduces the current state of information industrys development in China and America. In view of the differences of information information industry b
1999, 5(1).
Abstract:In view of the urgent demands of social development and meeting the needs of higher educational reform in the 21st century, this paper analyzes the necessities of sustainable development ideological deucation in higher learning institution, and puts forwa
1998, 4(4).
Abstract:In view of the current state of Chongqings education, this paper puts forward countermeasures for transfonning educational thoughts and running a school system ideas to realize Chongqings sustainable development.