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  • 1  Limitations and breakthroughs of big dataapplication in ideological and political education
    FENG Gang
    2021, 27(2):1-7. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2020.12.001
    [Abstract](535) [HTML](1361) [PDF 1.49 M](1449)
    The integration and development of big data and ideological and political education is the main trend and important thrust of the innovation and development of ideological and political education under the new situation. At present, in order to promote the integration and development of big data and ideological and political education, we should not only maintain "technical sensitivity" but also avoid "technology superstition", grasp "theoretical feasibility" and pay attention to "practical feasibility". On the one hand, based on the technical characteristics of big data, we should objectively understand and calmly treat the limitations of big data in data generation, data processing and data conclusion application. On the other hand, we should seek breakthroughs on the basis of calm thinking, and constantly pay attention to the identification and screening of data to improve the reliability of big data sources; gradually refine the processing and mining of data to improve the feasibility of big data processing; continuously optimize the interpretation and analysis of data to improve the usability of big data conclusions, so as to maximize the application value and practical utility of big data in ideological and political education, promote and guarantee the sustained and healthy development of ideological and political education.
    2  The theoretical approach to the ideological work of the Communist Party of China in the past century
    LIU Cheng
    2021, 27(2):200-213. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2020.12.002
    [Abstract](2434) [HTML](1486) [PDF 1.60 M](2973)
    The Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the ideological construction work. The evolution of ideology in the past century has been affected by many factors, among which, the basic national conditions, the principal social contradictions, the international situation, the law of ideology are the most important factor. The development course of the Party's ideological work over the past hundred years has been reviewed. Four important stages of ideological development and evolution are mainly including: during the revolutionary war, from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the reform and opening up, during the reform and opening up, and the ideological work in the new era. The following important experience of the Party's ideological construction is basically formed: adhering to Marxist guiding status is the basis for ideological work to follow, defending the Party's absolute leadership is the organization guarantee, conforming to China's basic national conditions is the evolution concept, adhering to unity of the Party spirit and people centered is the thought foundation, adhering to ideological struggle in harmony with mainstream ideology leading role is the method guidance, and integrating Chinese excellent traditional culture into ideological construction is the cultural source. It realizes the self-renewal and development innovation of ideological discourse system from revolutionary discourse to socialist construction discourse to comprehensively deepening reform discourse. Entering the new era, the Communist Party of China should dare to struggle and be good at struggling, and enrich ideological value, correct ideological bias, lead ideological development in the struggle, to gather the strongest ideological force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is the logical purpose of the theoretical approach of the ideological work of the Party in the past century.
    3  From Das Kapital to new era: Marx's theory of space production and the construction of the “dual circulation” development pattern
    HU Bocheng ZHU Yitian
    2021, 27(2):214-224. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2020.11.001
    [Abstract](503) [HTML](2004) [PDF 1.57 M](1625)
    The theory of space production with capital and space as the axis contained in Das Kapital is an important guiding theory for social and economic development with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and provides important theoretical support for the construction of the "dual circulation" development pattern. In the historical process of revolution, construction, and reform, the Communist Party of China has accumulated valuable historical experience and lessons around the development of space production, especially the space production in urban and rural areas, ecology, and culture in the new era, which provides a way for the construction of the "dual circulation" development pattern, nourished by important experience. Based on Marx's space production theory and China's space production practice, we must examine the construction of the "dual circulation" development pattern, must deeply explore the consumption space of the domestic market, pay attention to the development of emerging industries such as ecology and culture, and fully implement the development strategy of technological innovation, so as to continuously provides economic space for constructing the new development pattern.
    4  On Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought from the perspectiveof environmental governance modernization
    WANG Xu QIN Shusheng
    2021, 27(1):227-237. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.07.001
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    Xi Jinping's statement on the construction of ecological civilization contains fertile thoughts on the modernization of environmental governance. The modernization of environmental governance concept is the ideological basis for promoting the modernization of environmental governance. Strengthening the leadership of the Party in environmental protection is the political guarantee to promote the modernization of environmental governance. The fundamental contents of environmental governance system modernization include perfecting the ecological environment supervision system, legal system, and policy-supporting system, and establishing a governance system which are jointly participated by the government, enterprises, social organizations and the public. To promote the modernization of environmental governance capacity, green technology innovation should be strengthened, and information construction of ecological environment monitoring network and analytic techniques of big data of environment are the fundamental contents.
    5  The basic idea of advancing the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in a coordinated manner
    MENG Dongfang LI Siyu
    2020, 26(6):186-197. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2019.12.006
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    As an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is not only a major theoretical and practical achievement of the CPC Central Committee since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, but also the fundamental guarantee for the CPC to undertake its historical mission in the new era. Following the basic thought of the CPC Central Committee, to advance the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in a coordinated manner, we should insist on the development thought centered on the people, take human needs as the ultimate goal, use scientific thinking methods such as dialectical thinking, systematic thinking, strategic thinking, innovative thinking and bottom line thinking, take coordinated development as the practical requirement, adopt the basic methods of rule of law, standardization and orderliness, and judge from the people-centered standard, cognitive standard and humanistic standard, to ensure the implementation of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy.
    6  On the Theory of Overall National Security under the doctrine ofthe Community of Shared Future for the Mankind: Transcendence over major western international security theories
    SHI Junjie
    2020, 26(6):198-210. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.06.005
    [Abstract](1140) [HTML](1450) [PDF 1.60 M](2677)
    The Issue of international security has long been playing a significant role in the research of international relations. There are three major Western theories on international security, namely, realism, liberalism and constructivism. As a key component of the doctrine of the Community of Shared Future for the Mankind, the Theory of Overall National Security, which is mainly characterized by mutual, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable, benefits from the classic Chinese culture and keeps the above Western theories for reference while abandoning their dross, has been receiving worldwide attention. The Theory of Overall National Security provides the international relations in the 21st century with new visions owing to its foresight and progressiveness. With transcendence over major Western theories on international security, the Theory of Overall National Security should be internalized and put into action, and only in this way can the perpetual peace and security for the entire international community be achieved and maintained.
    7  Grid-based governance mechanism of internet public opinion about corruption cases
    CAO Junhui WANG Ying
    2020, 26(6):211-221. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.06.001
    [Abstract](539) [HTML](1127) [PDF 1.69 M](1051)
    In the era of big data, the internet has become an important tool for the public to participate in anti-corruption campaign. Internet public opinion about corruption cases is becoming more and more important in the work of combating corruption and building a clean government. However, this kind of online opinion is uncertain as it is prone to trigger derivative effect. Effective response to internet public opinion about corruption cases has become an important issue to be solved in combating corruption and building a clean government. The response mechanism of internet public opinion about corruption cases implemented by local governments provides new ways and methods for innovating public opinion monitoring mode, improving the efficiency of research, analysis and disposal, and realizing the active response to internet public opinion about corruption cases. The study concludes that the grid-based governance mechanism of internet public opinion about corruption cases is a set of mechanisms including grid-based monitoring technology platform and grid-based public opinion monitoring, early warning, studying and judging, and guiding and handling. The popularization and application of grid-based governance mechanism need to further change the public opinion response concept, optimize the information technology platform, and improve the corresponding system guarantee.
    8  Experience and prospect of the study on the history of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China
    FENG Gang ZHANG Xin
    2020, 26(4):1-12. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2020.05.001
    [Abstract](2730) [HTML](2011) [PDF 1.55 M](1593)
    2021 is the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China. It is of great significance to study the law of the occurrence and development of the ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of centennial development history. Before the establishment of the subject of ideological and political education, the practice and theoretical exploration of the ideological and political work of the Communist Party of China is an important object and resource of the study of the history of ideological and political education. Taking the establishment of the discipline as an opportunity, the research on the history of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China has been deepened continuously, and the development of the discipline, science, standardization and systematization has been realized. The characteristics of the discipline have become more apparent, and rich connotation of the discipline has been accumulated on the basis of summary of practical experience. The research on the history of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China has formed valuable experience of adhering to academic research and helping the central work of the Party, historical research and meeting the needs of the times, theoretical research and deepening educational practice, and ideological research and training talents. In the new era, the research on the history of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China should, on the basis of building and improving the unique research paradigm and grasping and developing the resources of the history of ideological and political education through laws, give full play to the theoretical innovation and promotion function of the research on the history of ideological and political education of the Communist Party of China and the function of testing, evaluating and feedback, establish a multi-disciplinary research system with the centenary history of the Communist Party of China as the core, and open up the new realm of the study of the history of the Party's ideological and political education.
    9  The theoretical connotation and practical value of Xi Jinping's important elaboration on the people's health
    LIU Qian SHEN Linling
    2020, 26(4):216-224. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.fx.2019.10.004
    [Abstract](680) [HTML](1098) [PDF 1.51 M](1061)
    To promote the health of the whole people, and to win the final success of building an all-round well-off society. Xi Jinping's important elaboration on the people's health fully demonstrates the people-centered times demand, and contains the rich connotation of taking building an all-round well-off society as the strategic goal, maintaining social fairness and justice as the value pursuit, social resources co-construction and sharing as the path, and ensuring the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics as the conditions. In the new era, the important elaboration on the people's health is of great practical value for accelerating the implementation of Healthy China Strategy, promoting the construction of China's health work system, and especially guiding the prevention and control of COVID-19.
    10  Big data driven: An important engine of ideological and political education modernization
    LUO Hongjie PING Zhangqi
    2020, 26(4):257-266. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2019.09.001
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    Big data is an important engine driving the modernization of ideological and political education. The innovative development of ideological and political education based on big data fusion is not only the trend of ideological and political education in the era of big data, but also the inherent requirement of ideological and political education modernization. The modernization of ideological and political education driven by big data has both theoretical possibilities and practical necessity. In the new era, the modernization of ideological and political education driven by big data should clarify the theoretical relationship between "change" and "unchanged", "cold" and "warm", "advantage" and "disadvantage". Then, from the perspective of internal requirements, fundamental premises, key links, and important safeguards, four practical ideas are put forward to realize the deep integration of big data and ideological and political education.
    11  Strengthening cultural self-confidence in the new era calls for handling five relations correctly
    DAI Jinping QIN Rui
    2020, 26(3):155-164. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2020.03.004
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    Since the 18th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping has mentioned the concept of cultural confidence many times, on which he has made a series of important speeches illustrating the significance of cultural confidence on national development, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, where the topic of how to consolidate cultural confidence is still "a matter of rise and fall of nations, a matter of cultural security, and a matter of the independence of the national spirit". To answer and solve this problem, we should correctly handle the relations between "principles and pursuits of interest, old and new, inside and outside, similarities and differences, front and back", namely insist on people-oriented development and reach the harmony of social benefits and economic returns; adhere to the guiding role of Marxism and push forward the innovative transformation and creative evolution of China's traditional culture; firmly resist the erosion and impact of erroneous Western ideological trends and strengthen the power of discourse in international affairs; enhance the protection and promotion of cultural heritage to pass on the continuity of China's cultural development; draw lessons from history to continue the past and open up the future and unswervingly walk on the path of Chinese socialism.
    12  The theoretical and practical logic of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
    YANG Changfu MA Xiaoshuai
    2020, 26(3):165-175. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2019.12.003
    [Abstract](1326) [HTML](969) [PDF 1.51 M](1647)
    Socialism has gone through a process from theory to practice, and theory and practice hand in hand during its development of more than 500 years. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is a result of the development of socialist theory and practice. There are inherent logical connections and consistency between them both in theory and practice. Through combing the connections and consistency, this paper reveals that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is an inevitable result of the development of socialism in China and the latest achievement of Sinicization of Marxism. It also shows that Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is an innovation of Marxism and its socialist theory.
    13  The innovation and development of ideological and political education governance in colleges and universities based on cyberspace
    LI Ying JIN Yujun
    2020, 26(3):215-226. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2019.10.003
    [Abstract](1306) [HTML](1203) [PDF 1.52 M](1775)
    The internet age and the rapid development of network information technology have built cyberspace. As a social public space with the most contemporary significance, cyberspace has bred a new way of human virtual existence and the form of social existence of virtual society. Cyberspace and the space turn have expanded the ideological and political education horizon. The study of ideological and political education in cyberspace is a new field full of temptation and vitality. Cyberspace provides a new practical environment for ideological and political education governance in colleges and universities. The ideological and political education governance of colleges and universities in cyberspace is an important part of the modernization of state governance system and governance capacity. At present, the ideological and political education governance of colleges and universities in cyberspace is faced with many challenges, such as the multiple pressures of cyberspace ideology, the dilemma of extension of traditional ideological and political education to cyberspace, and the anomie of college students' thoughts and behaviors. The ideological and political education in colleges and universities must adapt to the requirements of the development of internet, strengthen the consciousness of the problems of cyberspace, carry out the fundamental task of setting high moral values and cultivating person, and maintain the ideological security of colleges and universities. It is very important to put forward a more explanatory, influential and persuasive network ideological and political education governance composition from the new level of cyberspace to seek solutions. Based on Marxism system thought and human subjectivity ideology, the innovation and development of ideological and political education governance in colleges and universities based on cyberspace is embodied in four aspects:system reconstruction and collaborative construction, information production and supply and demand balance, order regulation and vitality creation, dynamic opening and value dialogue, so as to achieve the innovation of ideological and political education governance ideas, methods, paths and mechanism. Among them, idea innovation is the fundamental, method innovation is the key, path innovation is the foundation, mechanism innovation is the guarantee.
    14  The historical process and innovation of the Communist Party of China in promoting the national system construction in the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China: And on the contribution of the 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee to the system theory
    YAN Shuqun GAO Wei
    2020, 26(2):163-173. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2019.12.005
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    Since the founding of New China, the Communist Party of China has continued to promote the process of national system construction, which is the process of continuous system innovation under the guidance of the basic principles of Marxism.This historical process is divided into three phases:the initial exploration of establishing and perfecting the socialist system (New China's founding-the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee), the creation and establishment of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics (the Third Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee-the 18th National Congress of the CPC), the maturity of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics (since the 18th National Congress of the CPC).This is a one-way, consistent and advancing process, and in essence, it is the theoretical and practical exploration of the Party leading the people to the socialist system.From the establishment of the socialist system to the establishment of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, it is a historical leap in the history of the socialist system, and the establishment of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to the maturity of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will be another new leap in the history of system construction.The 4th Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made pioneering research and systematic solutions to the problems of the national system and the national governance system, comprehensively summarized the significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the system of national governance, scientifically depicted the "map" of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and systematically innovated the theory of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.It marks that the Party's understanding and practice of national system construction have reached a new height.
    15  The historical practice and future implication of the socialist modernization for one hundred years from the perspective of the development of productive forces
    WU Ningning ZHU Guodong
    2020, 26(2):174-184. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zs.2019.12.004
    [Abstract](681) [HTML](1034) [PDF 1.48 M](1469)
    Since the birth of scientific socialism, Marx and Engels have conducted sufficient argentation around the issue of productive forces by using historical materialism and surplus value theory, and pointed out that highly developed productive forces are the important basis and characteristics of scientific socialism.The establishment of socialism in Russia more than 100 years ago transformed scientific socialism from a theory into a reality, setting a precedent for building socialism in a country with relatively backward economy and culture.Therefore, focusing on the core issue of developing productive forces, the eastern Soviet countries explored various aspects on the road of socialist modernization and made certain achievements, but as a result of the theory and practice of the severe deviation eventually led to the failure, but for later construction of socialist modernization with intent countries to provide the experiences and lessons can be drawn lessons from.China, as another country that has established a socialist system, has, in light of its actual development, explored and practiced revolution, construction and reform, blazed a path of socialist development with Chinese characteristics and achieved great success in building socialism.In the future, the realization of China's goal of becoming a modern socialist country will not only establish scientific socialism on the basis of developed productive forces for the first time, but also become an important milestone in the history of the world socialist movement.
    16  From substantive existence to normative existence: The value basis and practical plan for the construction of Xi Jinping's community of human destiny
    ZENG Yan
    2019, 25(6):159-168. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.01.002
    [Abstract](1138) [HTML](987) [PDF 1.46 M](1504)
    The community of human destiny is an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governance of China. The norms of human values and the order of communication determine that it is essentially a normative existence. As a special community that transcends the existence of substantiality, the normative existence of the community of human destiny lies mainly in the value tension between its inherent universality and particularity. This value tension is manifested in the reality as common value and value difference, public authority and individual autonomy, transcending interest and moderate stability. The handling of the above-mentioned value relationship is also fully reflected in the practical plan for the construction of human destiny community of General Secretary Xi Jinping, that is, the shared development pattern led by the value of Chinese traditional "harmony culture", the national autonomy under the "recognition politics" and the value and prestige of "China program", the regionalization under strategic measures and the globalization trend under value transcendence. The above program promotes human destiny community to build in the interrelationship between "China and the world".
    17  On the theoretical innovation and practical approach of improving the CPC's ideological leadership in the new era
    XING Pengfei
    2019, 25(6):169-180. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.04.001
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    The increasingly active social ideology and value orientation in China, the public opinion surging in internet virtual space, the turbulent social thoughts, and the more complicated struggle situation in the international ideological field, highlight the importance and urgency of improving the CPC's ideological leadership in the new era. The CPC's ideological leadership in the new era is the ability of the CPC to lead the construction and development of its own ideological system, the ability to regulate and control the entire social ideological system, and the ability to regulate non-mainstream ideology. The CPC must continue to promote the innovation and development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and continuously improve the CPC's ability to build and develop its own ideology, carry out mainstream ideology propaganda and education to improve the ability to control the social ideological system, lead the diversified social trends of thought to improve the CPC's ability to lead the non-mainstream ideology.
    18  Social role conflict of grassroots leading cadres and its governance
    WEN Fengan
    2019, 25(6):150-158. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2019.04.004
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    China during the transition period, value diversity and class differentiation are prominent. In the grassroots society, individual's social role is also prominent, but there are certain conflicts among various social roles. At present, the role perplexity of leading cadres at the grassroots level is manifested as:inappropriate and improper role, the logical difficulty of role-playing, the practical difficulty of role-playing, the stigma of the social role of grassroots leading cadres in the context of network politics, the difference in sense of leadership between traditional and modern grassroots leading cadres and so on. In order to realize the transformation of the social roles of leading cadres at the grassroots level, and to reflect their service awareness and other objectives, we must strengthen the scientific decision-making ability, change the sense of official position to citizen awareness, resolve role conflicts through the rule of law, pay attention to the balance of role obligations and role rights and the top leaders' role game and contingency strategy, and establish a safeguard mechanism for the official-oriented to people-oriented transformation.
    19  The theoretical connotation of the judgment of principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era
    XU Xiaoli
    2019, 25(5):197-208. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.12.008
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    The judgment of principal contradiction facing the society in the new era is based on the status of China's social productive forces and productive relations since the 18th CPC National Congress, and is in line with relevant theories of Marxism on the times. The principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era has the basic characteristics of practical, affinity to the people, periodic and developmental. The evolvement of principal contradiction facing the society in the new era shows that the current contradiction between social supply and demand has changed from the previous "quantity shortage" to "quality shortage". The essence of the evolvement is the change in the nature of principal contradiction facing human society in the new era. The evolvement of principal contradiction facing the society in the new era is the specific embodiment of "changes" and "invariability" in the CPC's theory of social principal contradictions. That is, the change of the specific form of contradiction has not changed the essence of the contradiction between supply and demand being still the principal contradiction facing the society, nor has it changed the basic national conditions and international status of China. In the new era, the formulation of policies must proceed from the current reality of China and not be divorced from the reality, and the theory of principal contradiction facing the society in the new era must be adhered to. The characteristics of principal contradiction facing the society in the new era and its solutions determine the characteristics and specific content of the basic strategy of the new era, and provide a theoretical basis for its smooth progress.
    20  New thoughts on the cultivation of new generation from the perspective of Marxist humanism: Based on the reflection of gene-edited baby event
    PU Qingping LI Tingting GAO Wei
    2019, 25(5):188-196. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.zj.2019.03.003
    [Abstract](1160) [HTML](2621) [PDF 1.30 M](1084)
    The event of gene-edited baby has put forward a new topic of "what kind of man to be cultivated", and brought new reflection on "how to cultivate man" for the new era. According to the event of gene-edited baby, this paper aims to discuss the influence and impacts on the theory of human essence, the theory of alienation and the human development from the perspective of Marxist humanism, and to analyze the main problems existing in the current personnel training in combination with the phenomenon of He Jiankui. On the basis of problem-oriented, it is proposed that talent cultivation in the new era needs combination of emotion and ration, truth and kindness, heaven and man, and knowledge and practice, to prevent the risk of new generation's alienation, and to cultivate man who can really shoulder the mission of national rejuvenation, with native land emotion, friendliness and harmoniousness, obeying the rules and regulations.
    21  Research on the construction of “head wild goose effect” standard for leading cadres in the new era
    YU Yao ZHANG Zhiquan
    2019, 25(4):176-188. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.12.004
    [Abstract](1135) [HTML](924) [PDF 2.18 M](1079)
    The so-called "head wild goose effect" standard for leading cadres in the new era is the basis for us to judge whether leading cadres play the "head wild goose" role and whether the "head wild goose effect" works. According to the party principle of the Communist Party of China, combining with the practical needs of the new era, and referring to the Party's historical experience and the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, to give full play to the "head wild goose effect" with the prescriptive significance of navigational effect, exemplary effect and linkage effect, leading cadres in the new era should have the four qualities, ideological and political quality, moral character quality, comprehensive ability quality and physical and mental health quality. These four qualities constitute the political standard, moral style standard, ability standard and health standard of the "head wild goose effect" for leading cadres in the new era.
    22  The study on the people's nature of Xi Jinping's elaboration on network ideological work
    LI Ying JIN Yujun JIANG Qinxiang
    2019, 25(4):165-175. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.gg.2018.12.005
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    Xi Jinping's elaboration on network ideological work is an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It demonstrates the basic strategy of people-centered. The elaboration mainly includes three connotations and dimensions:people's orientation, people's strength and people's position. In network ideological work, Xi Jinping always puts the people in the highest position. He insists on the core idea of serving the people, relying on the people and benefiting the people. Taking the people's orientation as the guidance, the people's strength as the guarantee, and the people's stand as the purpose, it reflects the logical implication of the people's nature in network ideological work elaboration. The people's orientation is the value foundation of Xi Jinping's elaboration on network ideological work. The people's power is the practical driving force of Xi Jinping's elaboration on network ideological work. The people's position is the goal and destination of Xi Jinping's elaboration on network ideological work.
    23  The logical meaning, times request and route exploration of ever-learning Party organizations construction in colleges and universities
    PANG Yuehui WEI Tongling WEI Wei
    2019, 42(3):203-212. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2018.10.001
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    Ever-learning Party organizations are creative Party organizations adapting to the requirements of the new era. Ever-learning members are the main actors of the Party organization, Party organization members' study potency is fully developed and used through establishing the value orientation and effective way of knowledge creation, knowledge dissemination, knowledge use and knowledge sharing, and a high-quality contingent of Party organization is formed. To vigorously promote the construction of ever-learning Party organization in colleges and universities is the inner requirement of further strengthening and improving Party construction in colleges and universities, and it is also an objective need for promoting the development of colleges' education and research. Therefore, to deeply master the logical implication, continually push the mechanism innovation, and positively explore the effective route of ever-learning Party organization construction in colleges and universities, are not only with important theoretical implications but also have practical guidance significance.
    24  The “changes” and “invariance” of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the era of big data
    ZHANG Cuiying XIE Shoucheng
    2019, 25(2):190-198. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2018.09.004
    [Abstract](795) [HTML](852) [PDF 1.13 M](1030)
    There is a certain difference and close connection between the ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the era of big data and the traditional one. In the era of big data, to grasp the relationship between "changes" and "invariance", the ideological and political education in colleges and universities should realize its goals through the change of ideological and political education concept, educational attainment, education method and main structure on the premise of insisting on guiding ideology, fundamental task, fundamental purpose and main principle, combining with the new situation in the era of big data. In the era of big data, the "change" and "invariance" of ideological and political education in colleges and universities are a dialectical unity. "Change" is the practical wisdom of "invariance", and "invariance" is the essence of "change." "Change" and "invariance" are dialectically unified in the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.
    25  The evolution of college students' motivation to join the Party in the past 40 years of reform and opening up and its enlightenment for education
    YANG Shouhong YANG Conglin
    2019, 25(2):180-189. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1008-5831.jy.2018.10.004
    [Abstract](1142) [HTML](1532) [PDF 1.49 M](1086)
    In the past 4 decades of reform and opening up, the motivation of college students to join the Party has undergone a complicated evolution of monism, dualism and pluralism. Although the mainstream of current college students' motivation to join the Party is correct, we must also face the objective reality of the decline of faith and the rise of utilitarian motive. In the course of the evolution of college students' motivation to join the Party, the change of the times is the main factor, the Party's image is the key factor, and the individual "three views" are the core factors. The experience and reasons of the 4 decades ‘college students’ motivation evolution show that, we should stick to "three-points awareness" to defend the good image of the Party in the minds of college students, adhere to "three-causes idea" to ensure the effectiveness of motivation education, integrate "three classes" to realize the systematization of motivation education, and explore "three-tests evaluation" to gradually improve the scientific evaluation of college students' motivation to join the Party.