This paper presents two energy functionals which are made as stationary values. Thus, the theorem of stationary value of weighted generalized potential energy and the theorem of stationary value of weighted generalized complementary energy are established. In the first theorem, the stress boundary weighting function must be equal to the internal weighting function while the displacement boundary weighting function is independen; and in the (?)econd theorem, the displacement boundary weighting function must be equal to the internal weighting function while the stress boundary weighting function is independent.
肖明心.加权能量驻值定理及其权函数[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),1988,10(2). Xiao Mingxin. THE THEOREM OF STATIONARY VALUE OF WEIGHTED ENERGY AND ITS WEIGHTING FUNCTIONS[J]. JOURNAL OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,1988,10(2).10.11835/j. issn.1674-4764.1988.02.007