改善污水污泥浓缩和脱水性能有利于污泥的处置和利用。试验研究了页岩细度和掺量在污泥沉降浓缩过程中的作用。结果显示,页岩粉细度为250~150 μm,掺量≤5﹪时,掺加页岩粉可改善污泥沉降浓缩性能,沉降浓缩后污泥体积没有明显增加;掺加5%页岩的污泥沉降浓缩后含水率可控制在80%左右,经过离心脱水后含水率可降低至60%以下。试验结果还表明,虽然掺加页岩的污泥脱水后体积有一定程度增加,但可以明显改善污泥的性态,减少资源化利用中与页岩混合过程,还能明显降低污泥的气味;经页岩改性后浓缩脱水得到的污泥能用于烧制轻质陶粒。
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It is beneficial for disposal and utilization to improve thickening and dehydration properties of sewage sludge.The influence of dosage and fineness of shale on sludge settlement were investigated experimentally.And It was shown that the addition of shale could improve the sludge thickening without volume increment when the shale dosage with fineness of 250~150 μm was less than 5%.The moisture content of thickened and dehydration sludge with 5%shale dosage were 80% and less than 60%, respectively.The addition of shale during the sludge settlement could improve the uniformity of the mixture of sludge and shale, which was favorite for producing building materials, and alleviate the smell of sludge in despite of increase in some extent in volume afterdehydration.The dehydrationsludge modified by shale could be used as raw materials to produce excellent expanded shale.