为降低水的硬度,以一定粒径的细砂为填料,构建新型造粒反应器软化高硬度水。反应器在中温(20 ℃)条件下运行,通过改变pH值、填料粒径、水力条件、反应时间检测填料中碳酸钙的含量,考察反应器性能。试验结果表明,控制原水的pH值大于12、砂石填料粒径为0.2~0.5 mm、原水进水流量为10~35 mL/s,反应器的运行效果达到最佳。随着反应器运行时间的延长,细砂填料表面附着的碳酸钙晶体逐渐增多,运行15 d左右填料表面所附着的碳酸钙晶体达到饱和,将沉下的填料取出,更换成新的填料。反应器对原水硬度的去除率为58%~67%,出水水质良好。
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To reduce the hardness in the water, the new-style granulation reactor with gravel packing is utilized. The reactor operates at 20°C. During the experiment, the content of absorbed calcium carbonate crystal in the gravel packing is measured by changing pH value, the diameter of the gravel packing, hydraulic condition and reacting time to investigate the performance of the reactor. Experimental result demonstrates that when the pH value is over 12, the diameter of the gravel packing was 0.2~0.5 mm; the feed water flow of raw water was 10~35 mL/s; the reactor has the optimal treatment efficiency. With the progress of the granulation reactor,it is found that the calcium carbonate crystal absorbed in the surface of the gravel padding gradually accumulates. When the reactor operates for about 15 days, the content of absorbed calcium carbonate crystal reaches saturated state, and the old packing could be replaced with new one. The reactor removed 58%~67% of the hardness in raw water.and the water quality of the effluent is good.