强夯是地基处理中被广泛采用的方法,但其振动可能会对周围现有建筑物造成损害。因此,需根据特定场地情况和振动衰减规律来确定安全距离和采取减振措施。本研究以福州长乐国际机场的强夯地基处理为背景,通过强夯试验获取了现场数据,并进行了离散元程序模拟。模拟结果表明,在强夯能级相同时,夯锤质量越小,地表振速越大;夯锤越重,强夯影响范围越广,振动衰减越缓慢。该场地强夯引发地表振动的速度随距离呈双曲函数型衰减,基于此提出了强夯引发的地表振速的衰减模型,拟合结果表明该模型能够准确预测本场区的地表振动变化规律。设置减振沟后的模拟结果表明,相较于未设置减振沟的情况,减振沟前的土体振动速度会增加;减振沟后的土体振动会减小。综合计算结果并结合相关规范,在不设置减振沟时本场区的安全距离为20 m;当设置减振沟时,安全距离可减小为10 m。本研究提出的振动衰减模型可以为相关强夯地表振动的防治提供参考。
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Dynamic compaction is a widely employed foundation treatment method, but the resultant surface vibrations can potentially lead to damage in nearby constructions. Therefore, it is crucial to determine appropriate safety distances and implement effective vibration absorption methods tailored to specific situations. Drawing from the dynamic compaction process at Fuzhou Changle International Airport, we conducted on-site tests to acquire essential data and subsequently performed simulations using the discrete element method. Our findings revealed that, under identical energy levels, lighter hammers result in higher soil velocities. Moreover, heavier hammers exhibit a broader influence and lead to a slower attenuation process compared to their lighter counterparts. Simulation results demonstrated that the attenuation process can be accurately modeled using hyperbolic functions, a conclusion substantiated by the results of our field experiments. Damping ditch calculations indicated that vibration velocities increase before the ditch and decrease thereafter. In accordance with relevant standards and calculation outcomes, the recommended safety distance for vibration in this field is 20 meters without a damping ditch, a distance that can be reduced to 10 meters with the implementation of a damping ditch. This research offers valuable insights and references for addressing related issues.