
1.广州环保投资有限公司,广州 510830;2.上海大学 土木工程系,上海 200444;3.温州大学,建筑工程学院,浙江 温州 325035;4.温州大学,浙江省软弱土地基与海涂围垦工程技术重点实验室,浙江 温州 325035;5.温州大学,浙江省海涂围垦及其生态保护协同创新中心,浙江 温州 325035


李水江(1970- ),男,高级工程师,主要从事环保工程研究,E-mail:lishuijiang@gzepi.com.cn。
LI Shuijiang (1970- ), senior engineer, main research interest: environmental protection engineering, E-mail: lishuijiang@gzepi.com.cn.


李校兵(通信作者),男,博士,副教授, E-mail: lixb311@163.com。





Experimental study on vacuum preloading combined with progressive dynamic compaction and electro-osmosis method for dredged slurry

1.GZEPI Huacheng Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510830, P. R. China;2.Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, P. R. China;3.a School of Architecture and Civil Engineering;4.b Key Laboratory of Engineering and Technology for Soft Soil Foundation and Tideland Reclamation of Zhejiang Province;5.c. Innovation Center of Tideland Reclamation and Ecological Protection, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, Zhejiang, P. R. China

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51878402); Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. LY20E080029)

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    真空预压联合电渗法常用于疏浚淤泥地基处理,但存在排水板淤堵及电极腐蚀严重、能耗大等问题,导致该方法在实际应用中受限。提出利用真空预压-逐级加能动力压实联合电渗法,克服传统联合法的缺陷,通过5组室内模型对比试验,采用孔压消散比PPDR确定动力压实启动时间,研究最优动力压实启动时间点。试验过程中监测土体的孔隙水压力、排水量、土表沉降和电流强度,在试验前后测量土体含水率、十字板剪切强度及阳极腐蚀量。结果表明:与真空预压联合电渗法相比,在真空预压阶段启动动力压实可使淤堵土柱开裂,有效提高真空预压的排水效率;动力压实后土体表面裂缝减少,更加平整,电渗固结过程产生的阳极腐蚀量和能耗降低;在PPDR为70%时启动动力压实,土体的排水量最大,土表沉降增幅最大,处理后的十字板剪切强度达到65 kPa,获得了更好的处理效果。


    Vacuum preloading combined with electro-osmosis is one of the most commonly used method to treat dredged slurry, but there are problems such as blockage of drainage boards, serious electrode corrosion and high energy consumption which results in its limited use in engineering practice. In order to overcome the shortcomings of vacuum preloading combined with electro-osmosis method, this paper proposes a vacuum preloading- step-by-step energy dynamic compaction combined with electro-osmosis. Through five groups of laboratory model contrast tests, the pore pressure dissipation ratio (PPDR) was used to determine the dynamic compaction start-up time, and the optimal value was studied. During the tests, the pore water pressure, drainage volume, surface settlement and in situ strength of soil were monitored. The water content, vane shear strength and anodic corrosion were measured before and after the test. The test results showed that: compared with the test group of vacuum preloading combined with electro-osmosis method, the dynamic compaction in the vacuum preloading stage can crack the soil column caused by silting and effectively improve the drainage efficiency. After dynamic compaction, the cracks on the soil surface were reduced and the soil sample was more flat. The amount of anodic corrosion and energy consumption in the process of electro-osmosis consolidation were decreased. The drainage increased the most and the increase of settlement was the greatest and the shear strength after treatment reached 65 kPa when PPDR was 70%, under which a better treatment effect was obtained.


李水江,汤家郗,李校兵,王军,符洪涛,刘飞禹.真空预压联合逐级动力压实和电渗法处理疏浚淤泥试验研究[J].土木与环境工程学报(中英文),2023,45(6):143-150. LI Shuijiang, TANG Jiaxi, LI Xiaobing, WANG Jun, FU Hongtao, LIU Feiyu. Experimental study on vacuum preloading combined with progressive dynamic compaction and electro-osmosis method for dredged slurry[J]. JOURNAL OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,2023,45(6):143-150.10.11835/j. issn.2096-6717.2021.237

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  • 收稿日期:2021-07-05
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-11-13
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