The Journal of Chongqing University-English Edition (JCQU-E) quarterly publishes peer-reviewed, original riverine research worldwide. The journal's scope covers biology, ecology, geomorphology, hydrology, chemistry, geography, hydrometeorology, and other aspects of rivers as well as civil and environmental engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, computer technology, and other interdisciplinary technologies applicable to addressing river problems.
Topics include but are not limited to environmental issues associated with rivers, impounded reaches, riparian zones, floodplains, estuaries and deltas in all biogeographic realms and artificial canals; hydrology (flow regimes, floods, droughts, instream flows, surface/groundwater interaction); water quality; channel changes, erosion and sedimentation; flora and fauna; resource use and conservation, operation of dams and other infrastructure to meet competing use needs including aquatic habitat; environmental monitoring and modeling; integrated river-basin management; restoration and conservation of running-water and associated ecosystems; environmental change (e.g. land use, climate, water demand); surface and groundwater abstractions and inter-basin transfers, water-quality control, non-point source pollution quantification; flood control and disaster assessment; fisheries, and river engineering for ecological management and channel maintenance.
Editors are especially interested in research addressing matters related to the Yangtze River Watershed and the Three Gorges Dam.
JCQU-E is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. It has been indexed in Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, VINITI Abstracts Journal, Index Copernicus, Mathematical Reviews, and H. W. Wilson’s Applied Science & Technology Index, as well as Chinese scientific databases including Chinese Academic Journal Full-text Database (CAJFD), Wanfang Database of Scientific & Technological Periodicals, VIP Database of Chinese Scientific & Technological Periodicals, Chinese Biological Abstracts, Chinese Electronic Periodicals Service (CEPS), and English S & T Journals in China. Full text of all articles included in the journal is freely available in PDF format at