Volume 14,Issue 1,2015 Table of Contents

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Modeling and analysis of wet clutch engagement characteristics
  WANG Yan-zhong, LI Yuan, NING Ke-yan and HAN Ming
  2015,14(1):1-8 [Abstract(1625)]  [View PDF 475.38 K (2735)]
Heat treatment process optimization for face gears based on deformation and residual stress control
  WANG Yan-zhong, LAN Zhou, HOU Liang-wei, ZHAO Hong-pu and ZHONG Yang
  2015,14(1):9-18 [Abstract(1625)]  [View PDF 796.87 K (1411)]
Calculating method of contact stress for non-circular gears
  LI Ji-qiang, LIU Zhong-ming and YAN Shi-dang
  2015,14(1):19-24 [Abstract(1368)]  [View PDF 466.20 K (1929)]
Quasi-static-model-based wear analysis of helical gears
  LU Qing, LIU Xian-zeng and ZHANG Jun
  2015,14(1):25-31 [Abstract(1561)]  [View PDF 624.10 K (2232)]
Lightweight design technology of planet carrier for wind turbine gearbox
  WANG Zheng-bing, LIU Zhong-ming and ZHANG Zhi-hong
  2015,14(1):32-38 [Abstract(1585)]  [View PDF 720.45 K (1195)]
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