Volume 14,Issue 2,2015 Table of Contents

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Effects of acidity and mesoporosity development in ZSM-5 on biomass-derived ethylene oligomerization for liquid fuel synthesis
  WANG Bao-lin
  2015,14(2):39-53 [Abstract(1159)]  [View PDF 622.33 K (1719)]
Identification of acetic-acid tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains by microsatellite markers
  XIAO Yin, HU Yun, ZHANG Liang, XUE Wei and SHI Gui-yang
  2015,14(2):54-62 [Abstract(957)]  [View PDF 311.73 K (778)]
Sliding-mode observers for systems with unknown inputs and measurement disturbances
  HAN Dong
  2015,14(2):63-72 [Abstract(820)]  [View PDF 383.85 K (674)]
A dynamic network QoS control mechanism based on traffic prediction
  JIANG Qi-ming, MI Chun-qiao, YUE Guang-xue, HU De-bing and YANG Yi-mei
  2015,14(2):73-78 [Abstract(935)]  [View PDF 251.71 K (613)]
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