Volume 15,Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents

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Design and implementation of a position sensorless control method for brushless DC motors
  ZHU Cheng-li and WANG Yan-zhong
  2016,15(2):43-51 [Abstract(584)]  [View PDF 427.00 K (500)]
Traffic sign recognition based on subspace
  ZHANG Zhi-jia, HE Chun-jing, Li YuanYuan and LI Wen-qiang
  2016,15(2):52-60 [Abstract(612)]  [View PDF 556.63 K (385)]
Effects of agarose concentration and addition on the properties of gel-cast 3Y-ZrO2 green and sintered bodies
  WANG Cui-can, CHEN Chang-lian, HUANG Xiao-yu, LUO Ma-ya and HUANG Zhi-liang
  2016,15(2):61-71 [Abstract(572)]  [View PDF 801.69 K (424)]
Thermal comfort evaluation of people in subway station
  ZHU Pei-gen, WANG Chun-wang, KONG Wei-tong and SONG Hua
  2016,15(2):72-82 [Abstract(597)]  [View PDF 475.67 K (865)]
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