Numerical Analysis of the Streaming Potential in Bone Tissue
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Biphasic porous medium model,based on the mixture theory in continuum mechanics frame,is used to depict the distributing disciplinarian of sclerotin's stress field,distortion field and pore pressure when the bone tissue is subjected to various dynamic loadings.The coupling relationship among the distortion,fluid flow and the streaming potential is studied.The penalty finite element formulation for streaming potential is studied.The penalty finite element formulation for streaming potential distributing in bone tissue is obtained by using Galerkin weighted residual method for the biphasic porous medium model with corresponding initial and boundary conditions,in this modeling,the solid phase is assumed to be isotropic elastic medium,and the fluid phase is ideal fluid.The computational results show that because of the distortion of bone tissue the marrow's flow is raised,then the electriferous partical moves in the porous and the streaming potential appears.