A Virtual Wavelet Transform Analyzer for the Signal Analysis Based on the Direct Algorithm
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A virtual wavelet transform analyzer for the signal analysis based on the direct algorithm is introduced so that the discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform is maken to signal in the direct algorithm. The authors first introduce the direct algorithm of the WT, which is numerical algorithm obtained from the original formula of the wavelet transform by directly numericalizing. Then some conclusions are drawn on the direct algorithm. The examples are the sampling principle and technology for the wavelets, the limitation of the scale range of the wavelets and the measures to solve the edge phenomenal in the direct algorithm of the discrete wavelet transform, and some conclusions in the direct algorithm of the continuous wavelet transform. The virtual wavelet transform analyzer for the signal analysis based on the direct algorithm explored based on these studies and combined with virtual instrument technique can make the discrete wavelet transform and continuous wavelet transform to signal with any basic wavelet. It can be applied in studying the property of any basic wavelet and learning the theory on the wavelet transform, and also in making some engineering signal analysis. In the end, the authors give some typical examples for the application of the virtual analyzer. These examples show that the analyzer can be applied in many situations.