Experimental Research of Vertically-Loaded RC Joint of Local Transfer from Inclined Column with Different Angle to Beeline-Shaped Short Shear Wall
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According to test results of two different angle specimens of local transfer RC joint from inclined column to Beeline-shaped short shear wall under vertical static loads and results of corresponding finite element analysis(ANSYS), fundamental behaviors of the joint are achieved for the change of the angle.The result indicates that there is much difference in the stress distributions of the transfer beam and short shear wall for different angles of inclined column, which shows that the larger angle, the more great tensile force and the earlier crack in the transfer beam and the lower capacity. Otherwise, the angle is smaller, the evener stress distributions in short shear wall, the later crack, the worse degenerate in the transfer beam and the higher capacity.Furthermore, the mechanical behaviors of the joint obviously followed the characteristics of a truss model.