An field programmable gate array implementation of an image encryption algorithm based on a discrete chaotic map
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Software encryption cannot satisfy realtime requirements for multimedia applications which usually involve large volumes of data. To address this problem, an field programmable gate array(FPGA) implementation of the Cyclone EP1C6 for a Kolmogorov chaotic mapbased image encryption algorithm MASK was proposed. The algorithm was composed of four basic parts: Mixture, key Add, Sbox and Kolmogorov chaotic map transforms. These parts specifically act on the image as follows: diffusion, applying secret keys, nonlinearity, and permutation. The correlation of adjacent pixels, UACI and the key space of the system subsequently were studied. The source occupation proportion of the hardware was calculated statistically and showed low occupation. Among the advantages of the proposed system are high security, fast encryption speed, and low hardware resources consumption. The proposed system is suitable for implementation in inexpensive FPGA.