There is much difference between GB49701996 Method of random input running testAutomotive ride comfort and international evaluation methods, and the characters of automobile riding comfort is not discussed in detail. The measurement and evaluation methods are discussed. The tenaxis vibrations exposed to human body in automobile are measured throughout road testing, and then the characteristic of automobile riding comfort is analyzed. An objective measurement and evaluation method of automobile riding comfort are presented. The results show that the difference generated by frequency weighting factors ωk and ωb is very little. The crest factor of vibration in automobiles is about 4~8 by timedomain analysis. The percentage of each axis vibration is calculated, the results show that vertical vibration (zaxis) at seat surface, horizontal vibration (xaxis) at backrest and pitch vibration (rx axis) at seat surface are most important for comfort. The evaluation method in GB49701996 underestimates the vibration expose on the human body about 3 dB, which should be revised. Based on the results, a simple and convenient method for measuring vibration on automobiles is presented.