Simulation and analysis of infilledwall cracks’ development by shrinkage using semidiscrete and whole type model
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Abstract:For computational efficiency, numerical simulation analysis of cracks’ development by dry shrinkage effect has been carried out on a practical meeting twostorey and single span wallinfilled frame structure. FEM models are used as semidiscrete type and whole type.Different column rigidity, opening sizes, and connection rigidity are discribed with deformation, stress, crack development results. The crack morphology and width can be comparable with practice.Gravity and vertical loads should be considered in model. Shrinkage causes large deformation near openings. Different column rigidity, opening sizes and connection rigidity cause different crack development and deformation. The uniform construction detailing is not enough for all. Primary crack of nonconstructional detailing wallinfilled frame may happen at -5 ℃ equivalent temperature, and the ultimate crack width can exceed usage permission. At last wall crack width by dry shrinkage is assessed, and some proposals are given.