Abstract:Based on life cycle theory and the energy consumption status of energy embodied phase, embodied carbon emission coefficient is proposed to quantify embodied carbon emission of energy carriers. With the data of China’s statistical yearbook and relevant references, embodied carbon emission coefficients of selected energy carriers in 2005—2007 are obtained. For coal and oil products, the coefficients are 1.04~1.08. And 1.4 and 3.1 are for natural gas and thermal power, respectively. Analyzing the energy consumption of selected cement products, clinker production and coal consumption are the main carbon emission sources in terms of phases and energy carriers, respectively. From the analysis of the carbon emission in cement production, it is found that the emission amount of PI525 and PO425 are about 50% and 35% higher than that of PS325. And with the calculation, the CO2 emission amount is about 295.4~445.6 kg/t for the selected cement products.