Regulating ability analysis of distributed energy storage system based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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Distributed energy storages play an important role in suppressing the fluctuation of intermittent power supply, participating in peak shaving,and improving power quality and power supply reliability. How to quantitatively evaluate the energy supply and regulation ability of energy storage system is very important for tapping the adjustment potential of various power and energy storage combination configurations and optimizing the allocation of distributed energy storage. In this paper, the response speed characteristics and power regulation characteristics of various energy storages are analyzed with respect to the commonly used energy storage forms and devices. With an analysis of various factors affecting the regulation capacity of energy storage systems, an evaluation model of regulation capacity of energy storages based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is proposed to quantitatively evaluate the energy supply and regulation performance of distributed energy storage system under the circumstances of different energy storage combination modes and different capacity allocation ratios,and its effectiveness is verified by simulation examples.