Distributed controller placement in SDN based on network partitioning
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In this paper, the problem of distributed controller deployment in large-scale SDN(softwate defined networking) network is addressed. Aiming at improving resilience and reliability, a two stage controller placement (TSCP) method was proposed. The control domain was divided by the similarity of node to enhance the connectivity among device in the control domain for improving the resilience. Controller set with the minimum average rate of control path loss was selected as the controller placement for improving the reliability. By constraining the size of control domain and the propagation delay among equipment (switch or controller), the number of switch in control domain was made equalized and the controller placement reasonable. With the performance indexes defined, the comparison of GCP algorithm and K*-means algorithm with TSCP algorithm was made by experiments, and the results showed that TSCP algorithm could optimize the scale of control domain, balance the number of switches in control domain and reduce the number of controllers, thus performing better in network elasticity and reliability.