AEB system control strategy considering vehicle motion prediction
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To address the issues of poor corner adaptability and discomfort in the autonomous emergency braking (AEB) system during cornering, a control strategy for the AEB system is proposed. This strategy is based on Gaussian process motion prediction, with variable curvature corners and braking comfort taken into account. A road model is established by using cubic spline curves to locate the obstacle and calculate the relative distance. Taking into account the nonlinear characteristics of vehicle motion and the effect of time, a vehicle motion prediction model based on Gaussian process theory is developed. A hierarchical early warning and braking control strategy based on predicted collision time is designed. The results of the co-simulation show that the proposed control strategy can effectively achieve collision avoidance, solving the AEB system’s curve adaptability and braking comfort problems under complex dynamic conditions.
Project Supported:
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (51875061).