



Anti-urbanization,return of local worthies and rural revitalization:Field investigation based on X village in central region of Zhejiang Province
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    The key to the overall revitalization of the countryside lies in the revitalization of talents. During the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the flow of capital, human capital, technology and other essential resources between urban and rural areas has been intensified, providing new opportunities for rural development. As an important force in anti-urbanization, the returned rural talents have dual social experience in urban and rural areas, and are important links for the realization of the organic recycling between urban and rural societies. The returned rural talents will not only bring demographic dividends to rural development and give birth to new economic growth points, but also reorganize the hollow structure of rural society after the outflow of labor, adjust the asymmetrical pattern of "city as the center and country as the edge", and eventually promote the realization of the goal of comprehensive revitalization of villages. The article selects typical cases, uses field research methods, starts from the reality of rural revitalization, and constructs a theoretical analysis framework for the internal connection between anti-urbanization, return of rural talents, and rural revitalization, according to the logical path of "anti-urbanization → the return of rural talents → rural revitalization". The following questions are answered:how to organically link anti-urbanization with rural revitalization, how does the return of rural talents affect rural revitalization, and how the return of rural talent plays a role in rural revitalization. According to the specific investigation of the rural rejuvenation pattern, the article systematically explains the comprehensive effects brought by new rural talent H in X Village, Zhejiang Province. These include the integration of elements and the reshaping of the relationship between urban and rural areas, the transformation of thinking and the activation of village's value, the return of order and the effective realization of governance. From development basis, cycle conditions and means of action, this paper analyzes the impact mechanism of the return of rural talents to rural revitalization, and further draws the internal logic of rural revitalization under the background of anti-urbanization. Specifically, capital-rich advantages and prominent modern concepts of the returned rural talents constitute the basis of action resources; the close social connection and the obvious effect of the rule of virtue are the concentrated expression of the help of rural logic; innovative governance technology and the construction of public rationality are the reconstruction of the rural ethics. It can be seen that, in the process of urban and rural economic structural transformation, the constructive power of the returned rural talents to rural society cannot be ignored. They provide practical guidance for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. This article proposes that urban and rural areas must flow in a two-way circulation, the relationship between urban and rural areas must be equal, and the system and mechanism of urban-rural integration must be realistic and feasible. At this stage, the key to implementing the rural revitalization strategy is to seize the new historical opportunities for the development of urban-rural integration and build an effective system of urban-rural integration. This important form of the return of rural talents effectively answers the question of the consistency of anti-urbanization and urban-rural integration, and provides a scientific basis for exploring the form of urban-rural integration, the basis for effective rural governance, and the improvement of the framework of rural revitalization.

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