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    General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discourses on hero have made up an integral part of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, achieved the latest progress of the Sinicization of Marxism hero view, and illustrated 21st century’s Marxism hero view. They have important theoretical status and significant practical value, and are worthy for continuous study from multiple perspectives. The emergence of these discourses has multi-dimensional reality and thought sources. They come from the need of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the need of insisting on the guiding position of the Marxist hero view in the ideology of hero view, and the need of constructing the national discourse system of the Chinese Marxist concept of hero. They are an achievement of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China, which have combined with the hero connotation of good traditional culture, and made creative transformation and innovative development of it. On the relationship between heroes and the times, they clearly point out that heroes are coming from the times and the people, and are vanguards of the country, the backbone and coordinates of the nation, and the model of the society. On the topic of hero’s subject, they illuminate a triple subject logic that the overall people, the group and the individuals have together constituted the hero’s subject, and indicate that the people’s hero is the core paradigm. On the issue of hero’s conception, they illuminate the essence, spirit and personality of hero. On hero’s cultivation, they illustrate the overall, fundamental and specific path. They have made innovative contribution as follows. The discourses have clarified the basic issue of hero view, that is, the relationship between heroes and the times. They illuminate two aspects of this issue, demonstrates the times’ decisive effect to heroes and heroes’ influence on the times, furtherly, unifies the role of heroes to the times with the role of heroes to the country, nation and society. They have answered the question of where heroes come from and where they will be comprehensively and completely, which is the creative development of the basic principle of Marxism hero concept. These discourses have also innovated the people’s hero subject thought of Marxist hero concept, deepened the connotation of hero subject, expanded the extension of hero subject, and made the concept of hero subject more universal and affinitive to the people, which creatively develop core concept of Marxist hero view. These discourses have also achieved the unity of dynamic pedigree and static pedigree of hero, showing that people’s hero is the core hero paradigm, which has achieved creative contribution to Marxism hero’s development notion. These discourses have illustrated the basic issue, the fundamental issue and value destination issue of hero view from the pattern of historical materialism, the vision of wide history field, especially the new era position height, forming a complete and inner connected scientific hero view system, which adopts people affinity as essential hero character. It makes a creative development of theoretical system of Marxism hero view. These discourses understand heroes in history, interpret history with hero’s history, unify the view of hero into the view of history, the view of country, the view of nation, the view of culture and the view of people, and open up a new realm of the view of great history and great heroes.


李昂,李晓元.习近平总书记关于英雄重要论述的产生逻辑、科学内涵和原创性贡献[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(2):259-272. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2022.02.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-04-25
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