



Research progress and enlightenment ofinternational academic discourse power
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    学术话语权作为实现"文化强国"的重要组成部分,是衡量其综合国力和文化软实力强弱的重要尺度,受到世界各国的高度重视。欧美发达国家相继提出的"话语权力理论" "文化领导权理论" ,以及西方文化霸权理论一直主导着世界话语权的发展。近年来,国内对"学术话语权缺失" "学术话语体系构建" "学术话语权提升策略"等主题进行了广泛的探讨。学术话语权是学术话语体系建设的关键要素所在,学术话语权作为软实力对社会发展及学术繁荣的实际影响和作用异常深远;探寻国际学术话语权的研究现状及启示,可为我国构建学术话语权的科学评价理论、方法和应用体系提供有益参考和借鉴。为此,本文选取Web of Science核心合集数据库中的相关研究成果,通过Citespace软件对国际学术话语权的国别进行统计和分析,再用Vosviewer软件对国际学术话语权文献进行热点主题分析,再采用文献计量分析方法对相关研究文献的研究进展进行全面分析和总结。结果表明,国际学术话语权研究的热点主题主要集中在学术话语与语言学的相关理论研究、跨文化跨语言跨学科学术话语研究、学术话语在政治话语权、身份认定及社会化中的作用、学术话语评价与计量研究等4个方面,通过研究进展综合分析国际学术话语权对中国学术话语权的影响及未来发展思考;并提出提升中国学术话语权的实现路径。实践中,借鉴国内外经验和理论,可以创新学术话语权的推进机制。具体包括:自上而下国家战略和社会各界自下而上推动相结合;构建科学可行的学术话语权分类评价指标、对不同领域的学术话语权采取差异化政策支持;提升学术话语内容创新、平台建设和传播力度。另外,在大数据、人工智能时代,要利用自身力量创建一流的全媒体多语言的学术传播平台,让中国学术前沿和学术话语传播至更远更广的国际舞台。最后,可通过科学管理培养学术大师,并激励学术大师参与国际学术议题设置等。


    As an important part of the realization of "cultural power", academic discourse power is an important measure of its comprehensive national strength and cultural soft power, and it is highly valued by all countries in the world. The "discourse power theory" and "cultural leadership theory" successively put forward by developed countries in Europe and America, as well as the Western cultural hegemony theory, have been leading the development of the world's discourse power. In recent years, there have been extensive discussions on topics such as "lack of academic discourse power", "construction of academic discourse system" and "strategies for enhancing academic discourse power". Academic discourse power is the key element in the construction of academic discourse system. As soft power, academic discourse power has an extremely far-reaching impact on social development and academic prosperity. Exploring the research status and enlightenment of international academic discourse power can help China build the theory, method and application system of scientific evaluation of academic discourse power. Therefore, this paper selects the relevant research results in the core collection database of Web of Science, conducts statistics and analysis on the country of international academic discourse power through Citespace, uses Vosviewer to analyze the hot topics of international academic discourse power literature, and then the bibliometric analysis method is used to comprehensively analyze and summarize the research progress of relevant research literature. The results show that the hot topics of international academic discourse research mainly focus on theoretical research on academic discourse and linguistics, cross-cultural, cross-language and interdisciplinary academic discourse research, the role of academic discourse in political discourse, identity recognition and socialization, and academic discourse evaluation and quantitative research. This paper comprehensively analyzes the impact of international academic discourse power on China's academic discourse power and its future development and proposes a realization path to improve China's academic discourse power. In practice, learning from domestic and foreign experience and theories can innovate the promotion mechanism of academic discourse power. Specifically, it includes:combining top-down national strategies with bottom-up promotion from all walks of life; constructing scientific and feasible classification and evaluation indicators for academic discourse power, and adopting differentiated policy support for academic discourse power in different fields; improving academic discourse content innovation, platform construction and dissemination efforts. In addition, in the era of big data and artificial intelligence, it is necessary to use its own strength to create a first-class all-media and multi-language academic communication platform, so that Chinese academic frontiers and academic discourse can be spread farther and wider on the international stage. Finally, academic masters can be managed and cultivated scientifically and be encouraged to participate in the setting of international academic issues.

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    发 布

余波,邱均平,马凤.国际学术话语权研究进展及其启示[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(5):103-114. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. pj.2022.04.004

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