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    Economic agglomeration and Rural Revitalization are the key issues and practical demands of regional economics and development economics. Whether they can "complement each other" has attracted much attention. Although the task of poverty alleviation has now been completed, taking into account the objective fact that some key issues such as "poverty trap", "stubborn poverty" and "intergenerational transmission of poverty" still exist, the realization of sustained income growth of rural residents in traditional poverty-stricken areas is crucial to break the shackles of poverty and prevent poverty-returning in contiguous areas, and it has important academic value and practical significance. Under the theoretical framework of spatial economics, this paper discusses the impact mechanism of economic agglomeration on rural residents' income growth. We believe that economic agglomeration can affect the income growth of rural residents through spatial spillover effect, but it has significant spatial asymmetry characteristics for neighboring poor and non-poor counties. The impact of "economic agglomeration center" on the income growth of rural residents in the region has both scale effect and attenuation characteristics with distance. Taking 218 districts and counties in Sichuan and Chongqing, which have the most dynamic economy and relatively prominent poverty problems in the west, as a sample, this paper introduces the spatial weight matrix reflecting geographical and economic characteristics into the dynamic spatial Dobbin model for empirical test. It is found that the effect of economic agglomeration on increasing farmers' income and reducing poverty has the characteristics of path dependence and "snowball" in the time dimension, and has long-term positive direct effect and spillover effect, which can significantly promote the income growth of rural residents, but its short-term effect is not significant. The income growth of rural residents should still be the focus of local governments work and must be paid attention to in a long time. The results of the regression analysis of the traditional poverty-stricken counties and non-poor counties show that, the impact of economic agglomeration on the income growth of rural residents has typical spatial asymmetry. The impact of "economic agglomeration center" on the income growth of rural residents has obvious scale effect and attenuation characteristics with distance. Economic agglomeration not only fails to effectively enhance the income growth of rural residents in remote and deep poverty-stricken areas, but also further aggravates the deterioration of the income situation of local rural residents. It suggests that in the "post poverty alleviation period" when poverty eradication and Rural Revitalization are effectively connected, we should not only continue to strengthen the scope and depth of economic agglomeration and promote regional economic development, but also pay attention to the difference in poverty reduction effect of economic agglomeration between poor and non-poor counties, adjust policies reasonably, combine rural revitalization strategy with targeted poverty alleviation and deep poverty alleviation policies, in order to improve the income situation of rural residents in poor counties effectively.


康继军,郑维伟,牟薇.经济集聚与农村居民收入增长——基于川渝地区贫困县与非贫困县的对比分析[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2023,29(5):37-53. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2022.10.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-10-24
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