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    The spirit of struggle is the excellent political character of the Communist Party of China, which is bred in all stages of China’s revolution, construction, reform and development, and runs through all fields of internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense and running the Party, state and army. To carry forward the spirit of struggle is not only the spiritual code for the historic achievements and changes of the Party and the state, but also an important magic weapon to open up a new world for career development in the new era. From the perspective of philosophical dialectics, the spirit of struggle is the conscious product of purposeful practice and the reflection of human struggle practice at the level of consciousness. From the dimension of purpose, the spirit of struggle is to achieve the dialectical unity of the transformation of the objective world and the transformation of the subjective world. Struggle is to transform the world that will not satisfy people, through the struggle of production to achieve great material enrichment, through class struggle to coordinate the interests of all classes, through the struggle of scientific experiments to achieve the leap-forward development of production and society. Only by personally participating in the practical struggle to change reality can we obtain the true knowledge of things. From the perspective of object dimension, the spirit of struggle is the dialectical unity of scientifically grasping the object of struggle and the object of alliance, and correctly handling who to struggle and who to unite is the basic premise for winning the struggle. From the perspective of methodology, the spirit of struggle is the dialectical unity of flexible use of strategies and tactics, which should be formulated around the main contradictions in society, oppose both the left and the right, and be reasonable, beneficial and restrained. From the perspective of spiritual dimension, the spirit of struggle is the dialectical unity of courage and prudence, which needs to overcome one-sided views and mechanism, connect courage with prudence, and achieve the dialectical unity of courage and prudence, fear and not fear, contempt and attention. From the dimension of value rationality and instrumental rationality, the spirit of struggle is the dialectical unity of all for the people and all depending on the people, which answers the questions of for whom and depending on whom in the struggle of the practical subject, for whom is related to the value rationality of the struggle, and depending on whom is related to the instrumental rationality of the struggle. The dialectical unity of the two is the basis for ensuring the final victory of the struggle.


冯刚,廖吉喆.理解斗争精神的辩证法视野——基于对党的二十大精神的学习和研究[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2023,29(6):284-294. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2023.10.006

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-01-17
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