

The practice and development path of Chinese townships in the context of Chinese path to modernization
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    The report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC points out that China has successfully promoted and expanded the Chinese modernization. As the basic regional complex in China's urban system, the development of townships has gradually taken the satisfaction of people's life as a foothold, and has carried out profound practice in the process of China's modernization. The development goal of Chinese modernization puts forward new requirements and challenges for comprehensively promoting the development of Chinese townships. To fully promote the development of Chinese townships, it is necessary for Chinese townships to recognize the position in the development of the new era, analyze the development characteristics and realistic basis in the whole modernization process, and explore the new path of realizing modernization development. Based on this, the article proposes that townships modernization is the basic component of promoting Chinese modernization, and townships is an important carrier of constructing new-type urbanization, an important support for promoting urban-rural integration, and a strategic engine for realizing rural revitalization. Further, from the historical development and realistic conditions of townships, the paper discusses that townships have a solid foundation in the construction of economic activity development area, population flow gathering area, historical and cultural inheritance area and livable life model area. In terms of economic development, the function of township economic activities has begun to take shape in modern times. The rise of township enterprises has promoted the development of township industry, and then promoted township to undertake more economic activities. In terms of population flow, the population flow between city, town and countryside is more frequent. With the revitalization of rural areas and the development of towns, the attraction of towns to the floating population is increasing, and the population agglomeration function is more prominent. In terms of history and culture, famous towns and villages carry the cultural values of different historical periods. From the famous town of Chinese history and culture to the famous town of Chinese characteristic landscape tourism, it reflects the inheritance of history and culture and the construction of characteristic landscape. In terms of livable life, building beautiful livable townships is an important part of building a beautiful China, and townships have achieved certain results in the cultivation of industrial systems, infrastructure construction, supporting public services, and ecological environment management. In view of the practical basis of China's townships development, the paper puts forward the path and measures to promote the modernization of China's townships development. On the basis of adhering to urbanization and agricultural and rural modernization, we should start from the "four high concepts" to consolidate the foundation of China's township modernization development: to open wider to the outside world and achieve a high level of opening up, to promote the vitality of economic factors and promote high-quality development, to improve the quality of public services and create a high quality of life, and to innovate social governance models and explore efficient governance. It is expected to provide decision-making reference for comprehensively improving the quality of China's townships modernization development and formulating accurate townships development policies.

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    发 布

张学良,潘婷.中国式现代化背景下的中国乡镇实践与发展路径探析[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(1):1-17. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2024.01.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-15