

Era connotation, strategic value and realization path of new quality productivity
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    Accelerating the formation of new quality productivity is part of the transformation of China's economic and social development from traditional factors driven to innovation driven development in the new era, improving production efficiency and quality, promoting sustained and healthy economic growth, seizing the wave of new industrial revolution, building new competitive advantages, and winning the initiative in development. The paper clarifies the concept and connotation of new quality productivity, reveals its theoretical logic, strategic value, and realization path. Combined with the proposing background of new quality productivity and related discussions, the paper believes that new quality productivity must have the characteristics of scientific and technological innovation driven, industrial efficiency and low consumption and environmental sustainability, high-quality life and social service equalization, digital empowerment and modernization of national governance capacity. It deconstructs the material and technological foundation and policy environment guarantee accumulated by the development of China's new quality productivity since the reform and opening up, and compares the development level of digital economy and the export status of high-tech products between China and major countries in the world, so as to objectively grasp the development advantages and disadvantages of China's new quality productivity. It analyzes the challenges of middle income trap, such as lagging industrial upgrading and insufficient innovation capacity, resource and environmental constraints, unbalanced regional urban-rural development, aging population structure and rising labor costs, and the need to improve government governance efficiency. Under the external pressure of Thucydides trap, such as trade disputes, technological blockade, human rights and ideological threats, and national territorial disputes, new quality productivity is of strategic guiding significance to solve the problem of high-quality economic development. Further, it points out that the improvement of new quality productivity is an important basis for realizing national security, provides a strong security guarantee for the country, and helps to build a solid national security system. On this basis, national security and stability are also necessary conditions for the development of new quality productivity, and the two complement each other. Finally, in order to develop new quality productivity, special attention should be paid to the balanced distribution of new quality productivity. Internally, the development potential of new quality productivity should be released to break the curse of middle income trap. A secure and stable external environment should be fostered to provide basic guarantee for the development of new quality productivity, to break the curse of the Thucydides trap, and to support the construction of a strong and powerful dual cycles development pattern.

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    发 布

姚树洁,张小倩.新质生产力的时代内涵、战略价值与实现路径[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(1):112-128. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. pj.2023.12.002

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