
Bicycle and the change of urban social lifestyle in the period of the Republic of China (1927-1936)
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    The period of the Republic of China was a transitional period in modern Chinese society, and various Western consumer goods entered China one after another. After the introduction of advanced new Western transportation to China, it not only changed the dominant position of traditional transportation, but also brought about subtle changes in traditional social concepts and consumption trends. Bicycle as new transportation had become popular with the gradual improvement of urban roads and transportation facilities. It not only made people's travel faster, more comfortable, and convenient, but also generated a series of social and cultural effects. Those social classes with the ability to consume considered bicycles as an important transportation in daily life, and also as a symbol of social identity. Bicycles were also put into public use limitedly and had become a transportation for departments such as postal workers, improving work efficiency. The import of bicycles had brought about the development of domestic bicycle industry, although the effectiveness of product imitation was still difficult under the impact of foreign bicycles. The import of Western technology artifacts had a very direct cultural impact effect. It not only brought external impacts, changing traditional Chinese transportation and promoting the rise of new industries, but also brought about profound changes. The supply of such consumer goods met the living needs of citizens in economically developed cities, improved their quality of life, and also had an impact on people's daily life. Bicycles can be seen as a symbol of material culture. With its spread, bicycles have gradually become part of people's everyday life instead of luxury goods. This type of transportation eventually become a preference for the Chinese people, and it is a microcosm of the evolution of modern Chinese society and culture.


陈晋文.民国时期自行车与城市社会生活方式变迁研究(1927—1936)[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(1):179-190. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. rw.2024.01.003

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-15