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    The ancient Chinese scenic spots(Mingsheng) has experienced the process of moving from natural landscape to the famous landscape. The famous landscape embodies extremely rich cultural connotations. It is the result of the symbiosis of nature and human with the participation of countless literati and celebrities. "Mingsheng" originally referred to "characters", often featuring features such as socializing, appreciating scenery, literature, and learning. They belong to the group of celebrities and are often related to landscape and scenic tours. "Mingsheng" of "scenery" originated from the interaction between famous scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties and mountains and waters. With the further fermentation of nostalgia from the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties, mountain and water landscapes gradually became well-known landscapes due to the participation of "Mingsheng" characters. During the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, "well-known landscapes" under the influence of "predecessors" developed into "Mingsheng" of scenery. "Mingsheng" has a dual meaning of "people" and "scenery". "Mingsheng" that combines people and scenery became the goal pursued by literati during their travels. The inheritance of ancient Chinese scenic spots and landscapes reflects the tradition of "admiring and narrating the past" in ancient landscape culture. This is a tradition centered around people and stories related to them, specifically manifested in the inheritance of landscape culture based on "celebrities" and "literature", with a layered feature. The cultural and historical information of ancient landscapes has been effectively disseminated and preserved through literature such as poetry, literature, and Geographical Records throughout history. Literati often trace the history and related figures of famous scenic spots based on past poems or historical records, and continue to enrich the cultural history through their own creations or descriptions. Geographical literature also verifies and records the inheritance of landscape culture based on previous writings, forming a rich system of landscape description. This inheritance model has influenced the revival of the material form of ancient scenic spots and the protection of heritage. Many ancient Chinese buildings were made of wooden structures, and their material form was difficult to preserve for a long time. The reconstruction of scenic spots and landscapes in ancient times did not aim to completely restore the material "form" of the landscape from the past, but rather to conduct cultural and geographical research based on the landscape descriptions in the poetry and literature of the past, reconstruct the described or imagined landscapes, express admiration, and inherit landscape culture.


何峰.中国古代名胜景观的生成与传承[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(2):133-146. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. rw.2024.02.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-05-08
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