



The capture of the galleon Nuestra Señora de Covadonga and the intervention of the Qing Dynasty
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    During the War of Jenkins’ Ear, the galleon Nuestra Señora de Covadonga was captured by the British warship Centurion in Philippine waters. China was involved in this Anglo-Spanish dispute as a place for the British warship to rest, a place for the Spanish prisoners to be released, and a place for the Spanish to exact revenge on the British. Previous studies have focused less on China’s role in the event and the interactions between China, Britain, and Spain, and have not comprehensively utilized primary materials from the three countries. This event can fully reflect the impact of European total war on China in the context of the increased global connection in the 18th century and the Qing dynasty’s response to international disputes. The link between China and this event stems from British naval efforts to disrupt Spanish trade networks in the Pacific in the mid-18th century, which spread European total war over a wider area and followed the historical trend of European colonial rivalry. China’s ports were known for high security, abundant supplies, well-developed international trade, and smooth information exchange, all of which increased the likelihood that China would be embroiled in international conflicts. Before and after the capture of the galleon, China was a field where multiple groups competed. The British and Spanish took actions on the basis of the interests of their respective empires, with a tendency to challenge the Qing order, but were restricted by it. Qing officials did not, in principle, intervene in international disputes beyond their borders, but they did exhibit absolute authority over subjects within their jurisdiction, which could not be easily shaken by foreign countries. They tried to maintain the stability of coastal defense while adhering to the principle of cherishing men from afar. They not only prevented the British and Spanish ships from causing trouble in China, but also ensured the Centurion’s regular supply and the release of most Spanish prisoners. It should be noted that Qing officials made some concessions to the tough-minded British navy and failed to prevent the British from forcibly retaining a small number of prisoners. Instead, they overly praised local political achievements in their memorials, which obscured the underlying perils of coastal defense to some extent. But on the whole, they played a positive role in maintaining peace and tranquility along the maritime boundaries, facilitating the harmonious coexistence among foreign traders and enhancing their reputation as a great power.

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    发 布

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-07