
重庆大学 马克思主义学院, 重庆 400044





The connotation characteristics, great significance and promotion strategy of national strategic hinterland construction

School of Marxism, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China

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    面对复杂的国际政治环境和全球产业竞争, 立足我国新发展阶段的新特征, 我国亟需尽快优化调整重大生产力布局, 在广大中西部内陆腹地拓展战略纵深, 夯实国家安全基石。2023年12月中央经济工作会议首次提出"建设国家战略腹地"的战略构想, 为优化重大生产力布局, 保障我国国家安全创造了条件。"国家战略腹地"是相对于前沿地区而言, 能为前沿地区提供强大支撑的战略后方, 主要是指围绕我国东部沿海起着稳定后方并服务国家战略安全的中西部内陆城市群或相应地区。"国家战略腹地"概念首次在国家层面提出, 是党中央从国家发展大局去考量和谋划的, 相比其他重大区域战略, 国家战略腹地具备地理区位的枢纽性、经济发展的强大韧性、创新发展的引擎性、城市文化的凝聚性等基本特征。从我国区域经济发展史看, "三线建设" "区域协调发展战略"在不同历史时期承担了优化重大生产力布局、维护"大后方"的使命任务, 国家战略后方作为新时代"大后方"概念, 在新时代语境下自然也被寄予历史重任。进言之, 加快推进国家战略腹地建设是当前应对百年大变局的应有之义、构建新发展格局的乘势之举和优化重大生产力布局的破题之策, 唯有以自身的确定性应对外部的不确定性, 才能把握战略主动。为把战略决策和预期目标变为现实结果, 国家战略腹地建设必须系统推进。通过完善战略规划顶层设计、统筹战略物资储备建设、强化战略科技力量支撑、打造战略产业备份基地和建设战略运力空间网络, 使之成为我国经济发展的新的增长极和动力源, 不断推进新时代大后方高质量发展和高水平安全建设。


    Confronted with the intricate international political landscape and global industrial competition, China must promptly optimize and adjust the distribution of its major productive forces in light of the new characteristics of its development stage. This involves expanding strategic depth in the vast central and western inland hinterland to fortify national security. The strategic concept of "building the national strategic hinterland" was first introduced at the Central Economic Work Conference in December 2023, laying the groundwork for optimizing productive force distribution and safeguarding national security. The concept delineates key geographical attributes and strategic characteristics, pragmatic practices in different historical periods show that the concept of "rear area" is the basic appearance of "national strategic hinterland". The positioning of the national strategic hinterland by the CPC Central Committee is considered and planned from the overall situation of national development. Compared with other major regional strategies, the national strategic hinterland possesses fundamental characteristics such as its pivotal geographical location, robust economic resilience, role as an engine for innovation and development, and its ability to foster urban culture cohesion. Throughout China's regional economic development history, both the "third line construction" and "coordinated development strategy" have been tasked with optimizing the layout of major productive forces and maintaining a strong "rear area" during different historical periods. In new era, the concept of a national strategic rear area naturally assumes historical responsibility within this contemporary context. Accelerating the construction of the national strategic hinterland represents a timely response to significant changes in this century. It aims to establish a new pattern of development and optimize major productive force layouts in order to confidently navigate external uncertainties and seize strategic initiative. In order to translate strategic decisions and anticipated goals into tangible results, systematic promotion of the construction of the national strategic hinterland is imperative. By enhancing the top-level design of strategic planning, coordinating the establishment of strategic material reserves, strengthening the support for strategic scientific and technological capabilities, and establishing strategic industrial backup bases and developing a network of strategic transportation capacity in space, it will become a new growth pole and power source of China's economic development. This will continuously promote high-quality development and advanced security infrastructure construction in the rear area during this new era.


蒲清平,马睿.国家战略腹地建设的内涵特征、重大意义和推进策略[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(4):37-48. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2024.04.016

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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-13