


甘肃省软科学专项项目“县域制度质量提升与经济增长动能转换模式研究”(20CX4ZA035);兰州大学“人工智能+”哲学社会科学专项课题资助“人工智能延缓企业寿命周期的机制、路径与证据:基于Cox PH模型”(LZUAIYJYB06)

How can digital technology break through economic localization: Enlightenment on breaking the spatial limitations of the old productivity pattern and developing new quality productivity
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    Building a unified national market is the intrinsic requirement for developing new quality productivity. What role do new business forms of digital technology play in the process of market construction? This article uses empirical data on the spatial distribution of cooperative enterprises among A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2007 to 2022, and sets up a quasi-natural experiment for the Broadband China policy pilot to systematically estimate the impact of digital technology on the spatial distribution of cooperative enterprises, providing micro evidence from the industrial chain for digital technology to promote market integration construction. Research has found that digital technology drives companies to extend their supply and sales channels beyond the province through two channels: reducing transaction costs and enhancing product competitiveness. Specifically, the policy pilot has led to a 32.75% reduction in local enterprises among the top five suppliers, a 24.45% reduction in local customer enterprises, and an average decrease of 4 and 1.98 percentage points in the proportion of procurement and sales per cooperative enterprise in the province, respectively. This discovery provides systematic evidence for digital new formats to break through spatial limitations and promote market integration between regions from the perspective of the spatial distribution of cooperative enterprises. Further research has found that the positive role of digital new formats in the construction of a unified national market varies with the level of economic development, geographical location changes, and industry characteristics of the city, and is further strengthened with the degree of dependence of enterprises on the industrial chain and the level of division of labor in the chain. The research provides certain insights into the policy practice of reforming production relations. Research suggests that promoting the deep integration of digital technology and enterprises should be an important lever for advancing the construction of a unified national market. To break through the spatial limitations faced by micro entities in the old pattern of productivity, it is necessary to continuously promote the construction of digital infrastructure, improve the relevant systems of digital infrastructure system and data elements.

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    发 布

冯国强,梁志琦.数字技术如何推动企业经济活动突破本地化——兼论对破除旧生产力格局空间限制与发展新质生产力的启示[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2024,30(6):88-105. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2024.11.002

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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-13