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    The 100-year history of the Communist Party of China is the history of the development of the spiritual motivation of the Chinese Communists. The development of social history is promoted by the decisive role of material to spirit and social existence to social consciousness, as well as the active reaction of spirit to material and social consciousness to social existence. Chinese Communists pay full attention to the promotion effects of spiritual motivation in struggle practices, which reflects their spiritual initiative on the premise of insisting on the decisive role of material to spirit and social existence to social consciousness and conforms to the basic viewpoint of historical materialism. Spiritual motivation originates from people's knowledge, emotion, will, ideal, faith, belief, etc. These spiritual factors of people generate "forces" in their practice, which constitutes spiritual motivation as a result. Based on the requirements of objective social existence and the spiritual needs of the subject, the spiritual motivation forms, develops, and functions, while being applied to practice through the exertion of the subject's conscious initiative, to achieve the unity of purpose and regularity. The spiritual motivation of Chinese Communists points out where they came from, how to engage well, and where to go. The power is a systematic integration of belief motivation, faith motivation, and confidence motivation, a pluralistic integration of individual spiritual motivation, group spiritual motivation, and national spiritual motivation, as well as an organic unity of spiritual creativity, spiritual cohesion, and spiritual binding force. It plays an important role in promoting various undertakings of the Party and the country, and in the self-growth of the Chinese Communists, guiding their way, inspiring their emotion, sharpening their will, and condensing their strength. From the structural perspective of spiritual motivation, Marxist belief has laid the foundation of Chinese Communists' belief and is the spiritual pillar and action guide of them; the firm belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics stipulates the road choice of the Chinese Communists and remains their source of strength; the confidence in realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation shows the optimistic attitude of the Chinese Communists and guides their struggle direction. From the perspective of the subject who forms the spiritual motivation, it is a manifestation of the individual spirit, group spirit, and national spirit. Individual spirit is a spiritual link between Chinese Communists and the country and nation; group spiritual power shows the group cognition, group emotion, and group will; national spiritual motivation is the persistent and deep spiritual power contained in the national spiritual genes flowing in the blood of every Chinese Communist. From the perspective of the role of spiritual motivation, spiritual creativity runs through the process of Chinese Communists creatively reflecting and transforming the objective world; spiritual cohesion brings together the great power of Chinese Communists to lead Chinese revolution, construction, and reform; spiritual binding force urges Chinese Communists to keep their advanced, pure and revolutionary nature forever.


项久雨,范海群.论中国共产党人的精神动力[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(1):1-11. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2021.11.003

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-03-11
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