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    China is a large agricultural country. The quality and level of rural economic development affect the development of national economy. In the new era, the realization of agricultural modernization governance is an inevitable way to realize the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country, an important part of building a modern governance system, and an objective requirement to ensure national food security. At present, there are still many prominent problems in the governance of China's agricultural modernization, such as the agricultural economic management model lags behind the development needs, specifically as follows:first, the management concept is relatively backward; second, the innovation of agricultural economic management system is insufficient; third, the problem of paying more attention to quantity than quality; fourth, unclear job function boundaries. The backwardness of rural infrastructure and public services has not been fundamentally reversed, which is mainly reflected in:first, rural infrastructure and rural public service facilities are relatively backward, with low investment standards and imperfect supporting facilities; second, there is still a big gap between rural public services and those of the cities; third, in rural education, the level of education development between regions is still unbalanced. Small farmers are difficult to embed into the process of modern agriculture. First, the operation scale is small. Second, lack of funds and it is difficult to borrow. Third, the agricultural socialized service system is still slightly imperfect. The low quality of agricultural employees has affected agricultural development, which is reflected in:first, the traditional crop planting method is not high in agricultural production efficiency and product quality; second, the old farmers lack agricultural technology knowledge and skills, and their energy is limited, which lead to the unsatisfactory development and application of agricultural technology; third, the current situation of unbalanced and insufficient development in rural areas is difficult to meet the needs of farmers for a better life.
    In the face of the above situation, under the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, the realization of agricultural modernization governance needs to optimize the agricultural economic management system. First, it is necessary to enhance the attention of relevant leaders. Second, we should improve the management system. Third, we should strengthen the guidance and supervision of rural economic management. Fourth, we should improve the comprehensive quality of staff. In making up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure, first, we should strengthen the construction of public infrastructure. Second, we should strengthen the construction of relevant equipment, facilities and venues for public services. Third, we should innovate the management and protection mechanism of rural infrastructure. In promoting the application of agricultural science and technology in agriculture, first, we should pay attention to the construction of scientific research system. The second is to accelerate the supply side reform of scientific and technological innovation, and the third is to accelerate the construction of innovative talent team. At present, in order to realize the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development,first, we should strengthen institutional guarantee. Second, we should encourage the development of various forms of moderate scale operation and vigorously cultivate new agricultural business entities. When training new professional farmers, first, we should pay close attention to education. The second is to innovate the new vocational education mechanism for farmers. Third, we should build a driving mechanism for the return of excellent talents.


文丰安.乡村振兴战略背景下我国农业现代化治理的重要性及推动进路[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(1):43-53. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2021.12.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-03-11
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