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    It is clearly pointed out in the 19th CPC National Congress Report that China’s economy has entered "the high-quality development stage", "the preferential development of agriculture and rural areas must be persisted in" in order to "carry out the requirements of high-quality development". The irrigation and water conservancy is the lifeblood of the agricultural development, the high-quality supply of the irrigation and water conservancy is the key to promote the agricultural high-quality development, therefore "the irrigation and water conservancy must be taken as the focus of agricultural infrastructure construction". Rural culture refers to the unique and relatively stable production style, life style and the concept system that are formed by the people living in the village for a long time, and also refers to the rural nature, historical accumulation and the inheritance and development of agricultural civilization, the revitalization of rural culture refers to the revitalization of the whole spiritual culture in the rural society from a spiritual and cultural perspective, its essential connotation is that the cultural carrier with the integrity and openness acts on the individual cultural perception and evaluation standard, and its basic purpose is "cultivating farmers’ new collectivism consciousness and mutual cooperation spirit", that is the construction and cultivation of the rural "cooperation" under the leadership of core socialist values, the restriction and eventual elimination of the rural "noncooperation culture". The internal mechanism for the rural cultural revitalization to improve the supply quality of irrigation and water conservancy based on the evolutionary game model is as follows: the incentive role played by the rural "cooperative culture" can make the cooperative equilibrium for the farmers’ enthusiasm to participate in the supply of irrigation and water conservancy realize, and then make the irrigation and water conservancy projects have been provided fully, timely and universally. The adequacy, timeliness and universality of farmers’ irrigation and drainage requirements met by irrigation and water conservancy projects also rise accordingly, that is, the supply quality of irrigation and water conservancy rises accordingly. Lipi water conservancy association located in Lipi irrigation area in Shuangqiao Town of Wanzai county of Jiangxi province is a farmers’ water conservancy association existing persistently hundred years, its operation performance is mainly embodied in "improving the utilization efficiency of water", "expanding the irrigated area", "saving the farmers’ labor input in the irrigation water usage", "improving the quality of irrigation water conservancy facilities continuously", "improving the availability of irrigation water of the disadvantaged groups", etc., the operation performance of Lipi water conservancy association reflects the role because of rural "cooperation culture" incentive in prompting farmers’ cooperative behaviors’ generation in the supply of irrigation and water conservancy, and improving the supply quality of irrigation and water conservancy finally from different sides. The long-term practice of Lipi water conservancy association in governing irrigation and water conservancy shows that the embeddedness of the good reputation in the cognitive structure of farmers, the bilateral relationship of farmers and small "water conservancy society" is conducive to improving the quality of farmers’ cooperative supply in irrigation and water conservancy. The basic ways to revitalize the rural culture in order to improve the supply quality of irrigation and water conservancy lie in:cultivating the trust and cooperation concept in farmers’ cognitive structure, constructing a network of mutual benefit, mutual trust and interaction among farmers, promoting the construction of "cooperative culture" in rural field.


杜威漩.乡村文化振兴助力农田水利供给质量提升研究——农户视角的分析[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(2):15-25. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2021.08.002

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-04-25
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