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    《数据安全法》已于2021年6月通过,同年9月正式实施。但是,依然有很多重要问题存有争论和有待解决,其中一个就是数据能否作为一种新兴的法益获得法律保护。一项事物需要通过三维度四路径七规则的审查,才能成为刑法保护的法益;若属于新兴法益,还需要经过新兴比较维度的审查。其中,三维度是指,主体制约维度、利益规范维度和法律权衡维度。四路径是指,保护谁的利益、保护什么利益、利益为什么要保护,以及利益怎么保护等四个审查路径。保护谁的利益对应着主体制约维度,保护什么利益对应着利益规范维度,利益为什么要保护以及利益怎么保护则对应着法律权衡维度。七规则是指,从主体制约维度来看,存在以下两项规则, "保护人的利益:对人有用性的标准(规则一),保护不特定多数人的利益:不特定多数人享有的标准(规则二)" ;从利益规范维度来看,存在以下三项规则: "保护生活利益:经验实在性的标准(规则三),保护可被管理的生活利益:管理可能性的标准(规则四),保护重要的生活利益:重要利益的标准(规则五)" ;从体系权衡维度来看,存在以下两项规则,"利益发生现实侵害(危险):侵害可能性的标准(规则六),刑法保护必要性:法益主体及其他法律难以充分保护的标准(规则七)"。在大数据时代,数据法益需要从现象观察层面推进到理论建构层面。因此,数据通过法益理论的判断规则的审查,可以成为新兴法益,具有刑法保护的正当性。《数据安全法》的出台,就是基于数据对个体、社会和国家的重要价值而作为法益保护的立法宣示。具体而言,个人数据是一种纯正的新兴法益;企业数据和国家数据则是一种不纯正的新兴法益。数据法益可以分为原始的价值性利益和派生的工具性利益。数据法益的对象内容,具体可以表现为数据的有用性、完整性、保密性和安全性。


    The Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China was passed in June 2021 and officially implemented in September of the same year. However, there are still many important issues to be debated and to be resolved, one of which is whether data can be legally protected as an emerging legal interest. One thing needs to pass the three-dimensional four-path seven-rule review in order to become the legal benefit of criminal law. If it belongs to the emerging legal benefits, it needs to be reviewed by the emerging comparative dimension. Among them, the three dimensions mean, subject restriction dimension, interest specification dimension and legal balance dimension. The four paths refer to the four review paths of whose interests to protect, what interests to protect, why interests should be protected, and how to protect interests. Whose interests to protect corresponds to the subject restriction dimension, what interests to protect corresponds to the interest specification dimension, and why the interests should be protected and how to protect interests correspond to the legal balance dimension. The seven rules refer to the following starting points. From the perspective of subject constraints, there are the following two rules:"protecting human interests:criteria of usefulness to humans (Rule 1)"; "protecting the interests of unspecified majorities:criteria for unspecified majorities (Rule 2)". From the perspective of normative interests, there are the following three rules:"protection of life interests:criteria of empirical reality (Rule 3)", "protection of manageable life interests:criteria of management possibility (Rule 4)", "protection of vital interests:criteria for vital interests (Rule 5)". From the perspective of system balance, there are the following two rules:"actual infringement (danger) of interests:criteria for the possibility of infringement (Rule 6)", "necessity of criminal law protection:criteria of legal interest subjects and other laws difficult to fully protect (Rule 7)". In the era of big data, data legal benefit needs to advance from the phenomenon observation level to the theoretical construction level. Therefore, data, through the review of the judgment rules of legal interests theory, can become an emerging legal benefit and has the legitimacy of criminal law protection. The promulgation of the "Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China" is a legislative declaration for the protection of legal interests based on the important value of data to individuals, the society and the country. Specifically, personal data is a purely emerging legal benefit; corporate data and national data are impurely emerging legal benefit. Data legal benefit can be divided into original value interests and derived instrumental interests. The object content of data legal benefit can be expressed as the usefulness, integrity, confidentiality and security of the data.


黄鹏.数据作为新兴法益的证成[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(5):192-206. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. fx.2020.06.002

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-07
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