



The effects of service interaction quality on customer citizenship behavior in mass service settings
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    在服务价值共创背景下,服务环境中的顾客公民行为成为企业获得竞争优势的重要来源。已有研究已经揭示了顾客公民行为在服务活动和服务管理中的重要性,然而,其中大多基于实体产品营销中的顾客满意来解释顾客公民行为的来源,或者从服务营销中的关系质量来研究顾客公民行为,很少从服务交互质量的视角来研究群体服务环境下顾客公民行为的前置影响因素和机制。基于积极心理学理论,文章考查了群体服务环境下不同类型的服务交互质量(人际交互和环境交互)与顾客体验和公民行为意向之间的关系, 提出并检验了两种服务交互质量类型通过顾客体验质量影响顾客公民行为的理论模型。研究以具有群体参与和交互行为的游乐场所(包括各种大中型文化主题乐园、室内游乐场、影剧院、轰趴馆等)服务为背景,采用现场问卷调查的方式获取来自24家不同品牌的大众游乐服务机构的314名成人顾客样本数据。实证分析发现:其一,群体服务环境下人际交互质量和环境交互质量对顾客体验质量和公民行为都具有正向影响,但较之环境交互质量,人际交互质量的影响更大。先前研究并没有区分研究人际交互和环境交互质量影响的差异性,并对具体效应差异予以解释。文章的研究及其结果是对以前服务交互质量影响研究的拓展和深化。同时,此研究结论给那些为了降低人工成本而日益减少一线服务员工和服务接触的企业提出了现实的考问。其二,提出并检验了两种类型服务交互质量通过顾客体验质量来影响顾客公民行为的路径,验证了顾客体验质量在人际交互和环境交互质量对顾客公民行为意向的影响中均起到部分中介作用,有利于丰富服务业顾客公民行为的路径和机制研究。其三,将顾客—企业认同作为一种个体心理特征变量纳入研究模型,提出并证实顾客企业认同感在顾客体验质量对顾客公民行为的影响中具有补充性调节作用。这是以往文献研究不曾注意到的,有利于更好地理解服务交互环境下顾客公民行为的形成和变化的情境因素。文章对于发掘群体服务背景下顾客公民行为新的前置因素和路径提供了新的见解,对服务企业借助服务交互质量来促进顾客公民行为提供了有意义的管理启示。


    Under the background of service value co-creation, customer citizenship behavior in service settings becomes an important source for enterprises to obtain competitive advantage. Previous studies have revealed the importance of customer citizenship behavior in service activities, however, most of them explain the source of customer citizenship behavior based on customer satisfaction in physical product marketing, or study customer citizenship behavior from the perspective of relationship quality in service marketing. There is little research on the antecedent factors and mechanisms of customer citizenship behavior in mass service environment from the perspective of service interaction quality. Based on the theory of positive psychology, this study examines the relationship between different types of service interaction quality (interpersonal interaction and environmental interaction), customer experience quality and citizenship behavior intention in mass service environment, proposes and tests the theoretical model that two types of service interaction quality affect customer citizenship behavior through customer experience quality. In this study, the services of amusement places with group participation and interaction behaviors (including various large and medium-sized cultural theme parks, indoor amusement parks, movie theaters, home parties, etc.) are used as the research background. The sample data of 314 adult customers from 24 public amusement service institutions of different brands are obtained by on-the-spot questionnaire survey. The empirical analysis shows that: First, both interpersonal interaction quality and environmental interaction quality have a positive impact on customer experience quality and customer citizenship behavior intention in mass service environment, but the impact of interpersonal interaction quality is stronger than that of environmental interaction quality. Previous studies have not distinguished the differences in the quality of interpersonal interactions and environmental interactions and explained the specific effects. This study and its results are an extension and deepening of previous studies on the impact of service interaction quality. At the same time, the findings raise practical questions for companies that are increasingly reducing the number of front-line service employees and service contacts in order to reduce labor costs. Second, the study proposes and tests the way that two types of service interaction quality influence customer citizenship behavior through customer experience quality, and verifies that customer experience quality plays a partial mediating role in the influence of interpersonal interaction quality and environmental interaction quality on customer citizenship behavior intention, which is helpful to enrich the path and mechanism research of the customer citizenship behavior in service industry. Third, customer-firm identity is included into the research model as an individual psychological characteristic variable, and it is proposed and confirmed that customer-firm identity plays a complementary moderating role in the influence of customer experience quality on customer citizenship behavior. This result is not noticed in the previous literature research, which is conducive to a better understanding of the formation and change of customer citizenship behavior in the context of service interaction. This study provides new insights for exploring new antecedent factors and paths of customer citizenship behavior in the context of mass service.


陈国平,刘淑伟,陈思熠.群体服务环境下服务交互质量对顾客公民行为的影响[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(6):49-64. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2022.02.001

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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-02-03