



Research on the impact of financial literacy acquisition circles on farmers’ farmland mortgage loans participation: An analysis based on the mediating effect of land loss risk perception
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    积极稳妥推广农地抵押贷款融资业务,持续深化农村土地资产与金融资源的有机衔接是完善金融服务乡村振兴战略的关键内容,深入探究农户金融知识获取的人际圈层来源以及失地风险感知因素对完善农地抵押贷款相关制度建设具有重要意义。文章首先理论阐释了金融知识获取圈层、失地风险感知对农户农地抵押贷款参与的影响,详细剖析了农户失地风险感知的中介机理;然后采用因子分析法测度金融知识获取圈层变量,提取4个公共因子分别界定为亲属关系圈、朋友关系圈、乡邻关系圈和机构参与圈;最后以陕西、宁夏、山东三省农地抵押贷款试点地区1 312户农户调查数据为样本,利用Logit模型和Bootstrap中介效应检验方法,实证分析了金融知识获取圈层、失地风险感知对农户农地抵押贷款参与的影响,并揭示了失地风险感知的中介效应类型和数值大小。研究结果显示:金融知识获取圈层正向促进农户农地抵押贷款参与,其中金融知识获取亲属关系圈的促进作用大于机构参与圈;金融知识获取圈层负向影响农户失地风险感知,机构参与圈的影响最大,亲属关系圈次之,朋友关系圈最小;在四个金融知识获取圈层下,失地风险感知均对农户农地抵押贷款参与具有负向影响;失地风险感知在金融知识获取圈层影响农地抵押贷款参与关系中具有部分中介效应,大小为0.211 2。进一步研究发现,金融知识获取机构参与圈下失地风险感知中介效应最大,大小为0.223 1;亲属关系圈下失地风险感知中介效应次之,大小为0.101 8;乡邻关系圈下失地风险感知未发挥中介效应;而朋友关系圈下失地风险感知发挥遮掩效应,大小为1.851 1,表明还存在其他效应更大的中介路径。基于上述结论,文章提出以下政策建议:第一,农户需立足于金融知识获取来源的亲属关系圈和机构参与圈,丰富朋友关系圈和乡邻关系圈,加强多维金融知识获取圈层的构建、维护和开发。第二,农户应通过加强沟通、增进信任等方式优化亲属关系圈,采用增进互助、知识共享等方式改善朋友关系圈和乡邻关系圈,金融机构通过开展宣传、加强联系等方式提高农户金融知识。第三,政府和金融机构应高度关注试点业务可能产生的风险,降低农户对失地风险的过高预估,加快农地抵押风险防范机制创新。


    It contributes to rural revitalization strategy by improving the financial services, especially promoting farmland mortgage loans actively and steadily that deepen the organic connection between rural land assets and financial resources continuously. An in-depth exploration into farmers’ interpersonal financial literacy acquisition circle sources and the land loss risk perception factors has great significance to improve the system construction related to farmland mortgage loans. Firstly, this article theoretically explains the impact of financial literacy acquisition circles and land loss risk perception on farmers’ farmland mortgage loans participation, and then analyzes the mediating mechanism of farmers’ land loss risk perception. Secondly, the financial literacy acquisition circles are measured by factor analysis method, and four factors are extracted and defined as kinship circle, friends circle, neighborhood circle and institutional participation circle. Finally, Logit model and Bootstrap method are employed to empirically analyze the impact of financial literacy acquisition circles and land loss risk perception on farmers’ farmland mortgage loans participation and reveal the type and value of mediating effect of land loss risk perception, based on survey data collected from 1312 farm households from the pilot areas in Shaanxi, Ningxia and Shandong Provinces. The results show that financial literacy acquisition circles positively affect the farmers’ farmland mortgage loans participation significantly, in which the promotion of kinship circle is greater than institutional participation circle. Financial literacy acquisition circles negatively influence the farmers’ land loss risk perception, in which institutional participation circle has the greatest impact, kinship circle is next, and friends circle is the last. Land loss risk perception plays a negative role in the participation of farmland mortgage loans in all the four financial literacy acquisition circles. Land loss risk perception has a part mediating effects on the relationship between financial literacy acquisition circles and farmland mortgage loans participation with a size of 0.2112. Specially, with financial literacy acquisition institutional participation circle, farmers’ land loss risk perception exerts the greatest mediating effects with a size of 0.2231 partly. The next is land loss risk perception with kinship circle exerts part mediating effects, and the size is 0.1018. Farmers’ land loss risk perception does not exist mediating effect with the neighborhood circle. However, land loss risk perception with friends circle plays suppressing effects, the size is 1.8511, indicating that there are other mediators with more effects. Therefore, this article puts forward the following policy recommendations: First, farmers need to build, maintain and develop a multidimensional financial literacy acquisition circles based on kinship circle and institutional participation circle, and enrich friends circle and neighborhood circle as the source of financial literacy acquisition. Secondly, farmers should optimize kinship circle by strengthening communication and enhancing trust, improve friends circle and neighborhood circle by enhancing mutual assistance and knowledge sharing, and financial institutions should improve farmers’ financial literacy by carrying out propaganda and strengthening contact. Thirdly, the government and financial institutions should pay more attention to the possible risks arising from the pilot loans, reduce farmers’ overestimation land loss risk, and accelerate the innovation of the farmland mortgage loans risk prevention mechanism.

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    发 布

杨少雄,孔荣.金融知识获取圈层对农户农地抵押贷款参与的影响研究——基于失地风险感知的中介效应分析[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(6):65-78. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. jg.2022.03.001

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