



On theprotection of human rights in the civil execution procedure
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    民事执行程序虽然以申请执行人的债权实现作为主要目标,但是在执行过程中对被执行人基本人权的保障同样应当予以重视,此两者作为现代人权理念的应有之义,共同构成了民事执行程序中的人权保障话语体系。但是民事执行程序的主要使命决定了债权人的债权实现权和债务人的基本人权保障始终处于一个脆弱的"偏向式"动态平衡状态,在执行程序中对债权人债权实现权的强化会逐步加剧两者之间的张力,脆弱的平衡状态随时可能被打破。《民事强制执行法(草案)》作为对我国民事执行司法实践经验和智慧的总结,其立法科学化的衡量维度固然在于以对申请执行人债权实现之成效作为重要衡量指标之一,但是不能单极化发展,被执行人的人权保障同样应当纳入其中。因此,《民事强制执行法(草案)》必须回应立法和司法实践中存在的申请执行人的债权实现和被执行人基本人权保障之间的紧张博弈和冲突。应当充分发挥权利平等保护原则、比例原则以及程序救济原则在具体制度构建中的基本价值功能,以对被执行人生存权、生活安宁权、人身权以及人格尊严权之保障"划定"强制执行权作用于被执行人时之限度,以此为基础厘清民事执行程序中被执行人的人权保障边界。最终通过对债权人债权实现和被执行人基本人权保障之间的价值衡平,为《民事强制执行法(草案) 》"镶嵌"人权保障的"内核",为中国人权话语体系构建贡献力量。


    Although the civil execution procedure takes the realization of the obligee’s right as the main goal, the protection of the basic human rights of the person subjected to execution during the execution process should also be paid attention to. The two are the proper meanings of the modern human rights concept and jointly constitute the protection of human rights in the civil execution procedure. But the main mission of civil execution procedure determines the extent of the obligee’s realization of right and obligor’s basic human rights protection is always in a vulnerable "biased" dynamic balance state. With the enhancement in the execution of the obligee’s realization of right, it will gradually increase the tension between the two, and the fragile balance would be broken at any time. The Civil Execution Law (draft) is a summary of the experience and wisdom in civil execution judicial practice of China. One of the important measures for the dimensions of its legislative scientificity is the effect of realizing obligee’s rights, but this should not be taken to extremes. The protection of the human rights of persons subjected to execution should also be taken into account. Therefore, the Civil Execution Law (draft) must respond to the tense game and conflict between the realization of the obligee’s rights of the applicant and the protection of the basic human rights of persons subjected to execution in legislation and judicial practice. The right to equal protection principle, principle of proportionality and principle of procedural relief should play a full role of basic values in system construction. According to the protection of the right to survival, peaceful life, integrity of personality and personal dignity of the person subjected to execution, it can "draw" the limits of the effect of the execution power on the person subjected to execution. Based on this, the boundary of human rights protection of the person subjected to execution is clarified. Through balancing the value between the realization of the obligee’s rights and the protection of the basic human rights of the person subjected to execution, the Law of Civil Enforcement (draft) "inlays" the "kernel" of human right protection, and contributes to the construction of China’s human rights discourse system.

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    发 布

李燕,高星阁.论民事执行程序中的人权保障[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(6):258-271. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. fx.2021.02.001

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