

On the integrated development of urban and rural common prosperity in the new era: Based on the study and research of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress
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    City and countryside are an organism, and the urban and rural relationship is always an important relationship through the economic and social development process, also is a key question that China must pay high attention to in the process of socialist modernization construction. At present, China is experiencing the social transition of the new economic and social form. The integrated development of urban and rural areas has become an inevitable choice to realize Chinese-style modernization and move towards common prosperity for everyone. The most arduous and onerous task in promoting common prosperity lies in rural areas. To revitalize rural areas, we should not just talk about rural areas, but form a new type of relationship between workers, farmers and rural areas in which cities lead rural areas and industries promote rural areas. Exploring the theoretical logic and historical logic of urban and rural development, based on the consideration of urbanization construction and the current situation of urban-rural integration, it can be found that the urban-rural relationship development is based on the actual demand for emancipating the development of productive forces, to achieve the goal of the people’s livelihood. Since reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Party, China has made remarkable progress in overall planning of urban and rural development and promoting the new urbanization construction. However, rural infrastructure lags behind and the gap between urban and rural development has widened, the two-way flow of urban and rural development factors is not smooth which hinders urban-rural integration, and the uneven distribution of social services between urban and rural areas constraints on urban and rural development. These and other problems of unbalanced and inadequate development have seriously slowed down the process of integrating urban and rural development for common prosperity. To promote the common prosperity of urban and rural areas in the new stage of development, we must grasp the new rural-urban relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective and promote integrated development between urban and rural areas as a whole. Under the system of urban and rural dual structure, China’s agricultural modernization obviously lags behind urban modernization. We will break the barriers of the urban-rural dual system, actively promote the implementation of the strategy of integrated urban-rural development, strengthen rural infrastructure and digital development, break the traditional model of separate urban-rural development, and ensure equal access to public services for urban and rural development. We will give full play to the role of the competent market and effective government, break down barriers to the circulation of factors of production, promote the free flow of factors of production, and optimize the allocation of factors of production. We will establish and improve institutions, mechanisms and policies for integrated urban and rural development, break down household registration barriers, and unleash new potential in urban and rural development. With urban-rural integration as the entry point, development as the theme, problems as the orientation, high-quality rural revitalization as the strategic fulcrum, based on the perspective of common prosperity to analyze the historical logic and existing problems of urban-rural integration development, find out the weak points, break through the key, and analyze and solve the problems of unbalanced urban development and inadequate rural development. To break the division, promote orderly social mobility and rational allocation of human resources, and form a unified market of production factors in urban and rural areas. Improve the system and mechanism of urban-rural integrated development, select the path to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, to explore the policy system and practical path to promote the common prosperity and integrated development of urban and rural areas.

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    发 布

文丰安.新时代城乡共同富裕融合发展论——基于对党的二十大精神的学习与研究[J].重庆大学学报社会科学版,2022,28(6):272-285. DOI:10.11835/j. issn.1008-5831. zs.2022.10.002

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