• Volume 38,Issue 4,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >暖通工程与建筑物理
    • Climate adaption of wooden-plank wall dwellings in hot humid climate region

      2016, 38(4):1-6. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.001

      Abstract (1217) HTML (223) PDF 3.90 M (988) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A typical house in Chongqing was measured during summer to investigate the condition of indoor thermal comfort and climate adaption of wooden-plank wall dwellings in Chongqing. According to the characteristics of the local buildings and the particularity of local residents' living habit, the data of the field measurement was analyzed and the thermal environment was evaluated with APMV. The results showed that the indoor thermal comfort of wooden-plank wall dwellings in summer was improved mainly by natural ventilation and 65 percent of the typical day belong to category Ⅱ. In terms of the creation of thermal environment, traditional wooden-plank wall dwellings worked in concert with the local regional climate, and had a good adaption.

    • Coupled heat and moisture transfer model and simple solution method for building envelopes

      2016, 38(4):7-12. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.002

      Abstract (1372) HTML (378) PDF 1.58 M (1579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A coupled heat and moisture transfer model which takes the coupled effect between heat transfer and moisture transfer into consideration is developed to model the temperature and humidity distribution within building envelopes. The continuous variables, relative humidity and temperature are chosen as the driving potentials. And a simple solution method based on a multi-physics simulation soft, COMSOL, is proposed to solve the coupled heat and moisture transfer model simply. The numerical results of this model agree well with HAMSTAD benchmarks which are international accepted.

    • Multi-objective design method of improving the indoor thermal environment with low energy consumption in residential building

      2016, 38(4):13-19. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.003

      Abstract (1509) HTML (298) PDF 3.47 M (1449) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the living environment is a major livelihood issue, and energy saving and emission reduction is a major national strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to seek a reasonable design method which could not only meet the needs of residents in the indoor thermal comfort and reduce the building energy consumption of residential building. Based on the genetic algorithm, a multi-objective optimization model of residential building design is established which can optimize the design to increase the indoor thermal comfort time and reduce the annual cooling and heating load. Finally, taking the typical apartment of Chongqing as an example, the annual cooling and heating load of the optimized design plan is decreased by 47.74% and the indoor thermal comfort time ratio is increased by 3.94%, which verify the feasibility and accuracy of the model.

    • Tunnel threshold zone luminance determined method based on drivers' visual adaptation

      2016, 38(4):20-26. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.004

      Abstract (1245) HTML (234) PDF 1.15 M (1325) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Drivers' visual adaptation influenced traffic safty. In order to consider drivers' visual adaptation directly when determine road tunnel threshold zone luminance, drives' pupil size data were measured when they driving into tunnels, and established a mathematical model to describe the relationship between the max speeds of drivers' pupil area changes and related parameters. The maximum speed of drivers' pupil size changes, which could ensure drivers' visual function, were confirmed as critical speeds. The minimum tunnel threshold zone luminance was calculated based on the critical speeds, the relationship between the minimum tunnel threshold zone luminance and corresponding access zone luminance were analyzed, a mathematical model was established to describe the relationship between tunnel threshold zone luminance and access zone luminance with regression method, tunnel threshold zone luminance determined method was proposed based on drivers' visual adaptation.

    • Influence of summer dressing behavior to office building air-conditioning energy consumpution in Beijing-Tianjin regions

      2016, 38(4):27-32. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.005

      Abstract (1246) HTML (216) PDF 2.28 M (982) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dressing-behaviour affects building air-conditioning energy consumption by indoor air parameter. Energy consumption simulation software DeST is used to calculate that the energy consumption of operating and expectation parameter is 10.86% and 13.16% lower than the recommended standard parameter in Beijing-Tianjin regions. While energy consumption of experimental thermal property of typical dressing behavior is only 4% lower than the recommended standard parameter. Results showed that the subjective temperature related to thermal resistance needs amendment by the dressing behavior of region. The model of dressing behavior adjust office building Air-conditioning Energy Consumpution is given. Energy saving rate of dressing behavior is εc, Energy saving if εc is negative, on the contrary there is no energy saving. The critical thermal resistance is 0.563clo when energy saving rate is 0 in Beijing-Tianjin Regions. The premise of energy saving is thermal resistance of dressing lower than the critical value in the design and operation of air-conditioning system. The model of dressing behavior offer quantitative criteria of style and fabric in region, suppling a method to accuracy control energy consumption.

    • A method of stabilizing temperatures in artificial environment experiment chamber in winter conditions

      2016, 38(4):33-38. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.006

      Abstract (1146) HTML (277) PDF 4.28 M (1189) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The temperature control precision demand in artificial environment experiment chamber was lower than the demand in technical environment. If the heating mode of split air conditioner was adopted to control temperatures in chamber in winter conditions, the fluctuation scale of the temperatures in the chamber was too large, which affected the accuracy of data recording. A new method was proposed to stabilize temperatures in artificial environment experiment chamber in winter conditions combing cooling mode of the split air conditioner with an electric heater. In the background experiment, the new method and the control method of heating mode of traditional air conditioning were compared and the results showed that the new method could greatly improve the temperatures stability in the artificial environment experiment chamber. A series of additional experiments were implemented to further study the relationship between the temperature setting of air conditioner in cooling mode and the power of heater. The experimental results showed that there was a matching relation among the cooling capacity of air conditioner Q1, heating load of the testing room Q2, power of electric heater Q3, and the power of other equipment in the testing room Q4. The air temperature fluctuation in artificial environment experiment chamber was more stable and smaller, when the absolute value of Q1+Q2-Q3-Q4 was lower under the same setting temperature of air conditioner in cooling mode.

    • Climate change effect on building energy consumption in cold and hot summer and warm winter zone of China

      2016, 38(4):39-45. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.007

      Abstract (1046) HTML (316) PDF 2.15 M (1373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Climate warming has a non-negligible impact on the whole life of building. Accurate assessment of building energy consumption under climate change is important for energy-saving building design and existing building. Climate is the basis for building energy simulation. The global warming will cause the change of building energy consumption. In order to study the impact of climate change on the build energy consumption, the future hourly meteorological parameters are necessary. Based on the latest prediction, the ‘morphing’ methodology is utilized for transforming current Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) into future hourly meteorological file. A high office building is simulated respectively in two different regions Beijing and Guangzhou. The results show that the dry-bulb temperature, moisture content and the solar radiation have an increased trend. In Beijing, the reduction in heating consumption outweighed the increase in summer cooling, which led to the increase of the total energy consumption, but Guangzhou is opposite.

    • Experimental analysis on operation process of horizontal ground heat exchanger under cooling provision

      2016, 38(4):46-52. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.008

      Abstract (1016) HTML (240) PDF 4.45 M (910) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Experiment on ground source heat pump (GSHP) was conducted in summer to monitor the factors such as the heat exchange performance parameters of horizontal ground heat exchangers (GHEs), the climatic conditions around the testing site and variations of soil temperatures and moistures during the operation process. The heat exchange performance of horizontal GHEs as well as the variation laws of temperature and moisture fields around their surrounding soils was explored. The results showed that the intermittent operation model of GSHP was beneficial to the recovery of soil temperature field. The heat exchange capacity of horizontal GHEs from their surrounding soils improved significantly with the increase of downtimes. The climatic conditions had an obvious influence on the distributions of soil temperature field around the horizontal GHE. The influence of climatic conditions on soil temperature was becoming obvious with the decrease in burial depth. The changing amplitude of soil temperature field decreased with the increase in distance from the horizontal GHE was found,resulting in a heat influence range of the GHE with a radius of about 1.0 m. Finally, the impact of heat exchange of horizontal GHE to soil moisture field was in-apparent. However, the surface water infiltrating caused by rainfall was an obvious influence factor on the variation of soil moisture field.

    • Performance analysis and heat transfer model building of parabolic trough solar collector

      2016, 38(4):53-58. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.009

      Abstract (1174) HTML (354) PDF 1.37 M (1946) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One-dimensional and two-dimensional heat transfer mathematic model of the parabolic trough solar collector are a set of nonlinear algebra equations. In order to promote the stability and accuracy of the solution, the calculation of the heat transfer model of the parabolic trough solar energy collector is treated as constrained optimum problem, the energy conservation equations and heat transfer equations are converted into optimization model, the optimization model is solved by using fmincon function in MATLAB optimization tool box. The influences of heat transfer fluid inlet temperature and solar radiation flux to heat collector coefficient are analyzed. The solution of heat collector heat transfer process is faster and more stable by using fmincon function. Results show that the variation of heat transfer fluid inlet temperature plays more important role on heat collector coefficient than that of the variation of solar radiation flux.

    • Calculation and verification of the CTF coefficients of hollow block

      2016, 38(4):59-63. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.010

      Abstract (1182) HTML (336) PDF 2.65 M (846) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The s-polynomial transfer function of hollow blocks is obtained from the theoretical frequency characteristics, and the Conduction Transfer Function (CTF) coefficients of the hollow block are derived from the identified s-polynomial transfer function. The dynamic thermal experimental results of a hollow block are used for validating the results by using the CTF coefficients. The comparison shows that the surface temperature of the hollow block calculated by using the CTF coefficients agrees well with the experimental results after the boundary condition tends to be periodically stable. The results further show the identified s-polynomial transfer function as well as the resultant. CTF coefficients can represent accurately the dynamic thermal characteristics of the hollow block. CTF coefficients is an effective approach for analyzing the dynamic thermal characteristic of hollow blocks.

    • Design countermeasures of the Assessment Standard for Green Building

      2016, 38(4):64-71. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.011

      Abstract (1303) HTML (238) PDF 3.11 M (1020) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The implementation effect of green buildings depended on the designer's understanding and implementation of the relevant evaluation standards. 87 evaluation terms involved in the design stage of green buildings were studied through analyzing the formulation characteristics of new Assessment Standard for Green Building. Its classified statistics was conducted according to different professional and technical measures, on which scores of different professional and technical measures were calculated. The characteristics and highlights of green building design were analyzed based on the data. Combining with the distribution of over 100 filings in different design stages involving in 8 design professions during architectural design, the design tasks and working focus of the designers in different design stages during the design process of green buildings were summarized, and the design principles and countermeasures of green buildings were put forward.

    • Quantitative analysis on the embodied environmental impact of buildings based on WTP

      2016, 38(4):72-77. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.012

      Abstract (889) HTML (237) PDF 847.87 K (928) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The embodied environmental impact of buildings, and environmental impacts caused by a large amount of resources, energy and toxic substance during this process was analyzed. The connotation of the embodied environmental impact of buildings was defined. According to the international Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, twelve factors of environmental impact were determined. The building environmental impact list in the full life cycle was calculated from the BEES (Building for Environment and Economic Sustainability). The value of environmental factors in Jiangsu province was obtained by the Willingness-To-Pay in Environmental Economics. Finally, combined with a residential building in Jiangsu province, society WTP for the environmental impact was figured out.

    • >土木工程
    • Seismic performance experimental analysis of the frame strengthened by composite walls of RC-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks

      2016, 38(4):78-85. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.013

      Abstract (1041) HTML (218) PDF 3.20 M (842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Composite walls of RC-autoclaved aerated concrete blocks(CWR) consisting of concrete beam-column grid and aerated concrete blocks was a new type of shear wall, which could be used to strengthen the seismic performance of frame structure. Cyclic reversed loading tests were conducted on frame specimen without CWR, CWR specimens and CWR with outer frame specimens. All the specimens were in the scale of 1:2. The main failure process of the specimens were analyzed. The seismic performances of the frame such as bearing capacity, stiffness and so on before and after being strengthened by CWR were studied. Test results showed that the bearing capacity and lateral stiffness of the strengthened frame structure were increased greatly and about 0.9 times as large as the sum of outer frame structure and CWR that possessed good cooperative work performance. The damage process of the strengthened specimens basically followed the sequence of filling block, reinforced concrete frames and outer frame, and thus could bring the Multi-defense seismic characteristics of the CWR into full play, which indicated that strengthening frame structure with CWR was economic and convenient.

    • Finite element analysis on seismic performance of high strength steel frames with Y-type eccentrically braces

      2016, 38(4):86-95. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.014

      Abstract (1031) HTML (226) PDF 7.15 M (749) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The finite element models of test specimen were established after the shake table test of high strength steel frames with Y-type eccentrically braces (Y-HSS-EBF). A 9-story Y-HSS-EBF structure was designed and nonlinear time history analysis were conducted to study the influence of link length, link web ratio of height to thickness and ratio of depth to span to seismic performance of 9-story Y-HSS-EBFs. Results indicated that different link length and ratio of depth to span had different influence to the interstory displacement, seismic performance of link, column moment and energy dissipation capacity, but slight influence to column axial force and base shear force. Different link web ratio of height to thickness had different influence to energy dissipation capacity, but slight influence to interstory displacement, seismic performance of link, column force and base shear force. Finally, some recommendations for engineering design were given based on the analysis.

    • Analysis of welding heat effect on load-carrying behavior of I section steel beam-columns strengthened by welding

      2016, 38(4):96-107. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.015

      Abstract (1238) HTML (194) PDF 10.49 M (1006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of reinforcement welding heat effect and different initial load on load-carrying behavior of I section steel beam-columns, three specimens strengthened by welding while under different load were simulated. Based on the thermal-structural coupling method considering heat effect, the analysis improved thermal input of heat source model and also considered initial geometric imperfection, initial residual stress and friction. Time history of displacement during welding, web stress-strain redistribution and load-displacement relationship were discussed, and meanwhile the effectiveness of the finite element analyses(FEA) were verified by comparing the FEA results and test results. Furthermore, welding temperature field, stress-strain redistribution between flange and strengthening plate and flange margin yield capacity, which could not be measured by test, were acquired. And by comparison of bearing capacity results and code calculation results, the present design methods were discussed. The results showed that welding strengthening procedure decided the development of welding residual deformation, while thermal input and initial load effected the range of displacement change during welding under load and magnitude of welding residual deformation. Higher initial load propelled the development of stress-strain redistribution toward the eccentric loading direction, thus leading to lower bearing capacity. However, initial residual stress had little effect on ultimate capacity. FEA method considering heat effect showed certain practicability and overall security, and code design method remained space for improvement still.

    • Experimental investigation on the mathematical models of wind load spectrum for triangular lattice mast

      2016, 38(4):108-114. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.016

      Abstract (971) HTML (312) PDF 5.32 M (916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:High frequency force balance test was conducted on triangular lattice mast and the along-wind, across-wind and torsional wind load spectra and mean force coefficients were obtained. The mathematical model based on the wind velocity function was used for the curve fitting of the along-wind load spectra and the applicability of the empirical formula in different flow fields was verified. Mathematical model consisted of turbulence and wake excitation was established for the across-wind load and torsional wind load according to the characteristics of the test spectra. Fitting results of least square method showed that the mathematical models were in good agreement with the test results. The contribution of turbulence excitation was dominant in across-wind load and the proportion of wake excitation was only 10% when the turbulent intensity was 15%. In torsional wind load the contribution of wake excitation increased obviously and accounted for about 40%.

    • Dynamic fingerprint and identification algorithm for damage diagnosis of cable stayed bridge based on pattern recognition

      2016, 38(4):115-123. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.017

      Abstract (1332) HTML (321) PDF 4.60 M (907) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to effectively and accurately diagnosis the damage of cable stayed bridge, the damage diagnosis method of cable stayed bridge based on pattern recognition was studied. The low order modal frequency and vertical vibrational mode of some key points were selected for dynamic fingerprints of no modal expansion or model condensation. The full factorial design was used to create the dynamic fingerprint database, which could accurately evaluate the damage factors and their interaction effects on the damage identification results. And the dynamic fingerprint database with random error was designed and added. The pattern recognition algorithms based on MATLAB were compiled. The high accuracy of the multilayer perceptron recognition algorithm and the algorithm to improve the prediction accuracy of the bagging ensemble algorithm were mainly studied. In the end, the damage diagnosis process and results of a single tower double span double cable planes cable stayed bridge were presented, and a high precision evaluation model covering random errors for damage diagnosis of cable stayed bridges was obtained.

    • A global sensitivity analysis for tunnel structural health monitoring using extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test

      2016, 38(4):124-131. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.018

      Abstract (1606) HTML (325) PDF 4.27 M (1316) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new index called global sensitivity index by global sensitivity analysis was proposed to evaluate the relationship between tunnel structure health monitoring data and tunnel health status. Global sensitivity analysis could quantitatively and systematically evaluate the parameter sensitivities and their variations under various conditions, resulting in an improved understanding of relationships between monitoring data and tunnel health status, and suggesting potential approaches to the improvement of tunnel health evaluation model. Moreover, a case study of global sensitivity analysis was presented to evaluate the monitoring data on Wuhan Yangtze River Tunnel. The achievement of this global sensitivity analysis leads to the parameter sensitivities had been quantified, and the sensitive and insensitive parameters were distinguished. The sensitive parameters could then be identified as major factors for monitoring or administrative maintenance. The variations in parameter sensitivity index associated with various target functions, parameter ranges and distribution were examined. The variations of parameter sensitivities were observed with various conditions, suggesting that sensitive and insensitive parameters maybe inversed under different conditions.

    • Application of intelligent temperature control system of mass concrete based on BIM

      2016, 38(4):132-138. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.1674-4764.2016.04.019

      Abstract (1742) HTML (346) PDF 4.60 M (1681) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional construction of mass concrete water cooling usually adopted artificial monitoring method,which had problems such as Lag data acquisition and processing, poor monitoring data accuracy and low temperature control efficiency. A control system of mass concrete based on BIM was put forward to solve these problems. Revit and Navisworks were selected for secondary development. The temperature measurement and control system were established by using the control computer, temperature data acquisition device, control valve circulating pump, wireless network communication and bridging equipment, industrial integration server and client software. The data transmitted by the wireless transmission receiving temperature measuring element, the system could distinguish the abnormal temperature of the temperature and send the instruction to realize the automatic switch of the cooling water pipe valve. The BIM entity model was built in the system platform, and the relative position of the actual temperature measurement point was marked in the model. Then the system was synchronized with the three dimensional form to reflect the temperature curve of the temperature measuring point. This system was tested in the Cuntan Yangtze River Bridge, showing that the system data was accurate and sensitive early warning in time, the accuracy and efficiency of temperature acquisition were improved, and the temperature control was ideal.

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