• Volume 0,Issue S1,2021 Table of Contents
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    • State-of-the-art review of the technology in bridge structure test in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):1-11. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.201

      Abstract (652) HTML (0) PDF 10.32 M (1045) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The bridge structure test is mainly a means to obtain the behavior of the bridge structure by applying static or dynamic action on the prototype or model of the bridge structure and using measuring and test techniques to collect precise and reliable test data, so as to solve the problems existed in scientific research and design in the field of bridge engineering. As an important means to promote the development of the bridge engineering field, the bridge structure test has been playing an important role for a long time. In recent years, with the progress of measuring and test technology, the technology in bridge structure test has also been widely concerned by scholars. In order to promote the further development of this field and guide the popularization and application of advanced measuring and test techniques in the field of bridge structure test, this paper systematically introduces the technical methods of three critical aspects: bridge model test, bridge field test and measuring and test technology of bridge, and reports and summarizes the enlightening related research in 2020. Finally, it is found that the technology in bridge structure test is further developing towards the integration of multi-disciplines.

    • State-of-the-art review of concrete bridges and its high performance materials in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):12-22. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.202

      Abstract (511) HTML (0) PDF 3.97 M (1335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to understand the development trend of the research direction of concrete bridge and high-performance materials in 2020, and on the basis of summarizing the research contents, methods and achievements, the follow-up research will be carried out better, this paper reviews the recent literatures from the three aspects of concrete bridges, high-performance concrete materials and high-performance reinforced materials. Furthermore, the literature are classified, summarized and commented. The results show that the current research on concrete bridges pays more attention to durability in the operation stage, working performance in extreme environments, and concrete bridge accidents. For high-performance concrete materials, great progress has been made in the three aspects of high performance, green environmental protection and intelligence. The related high-performance reinforced materials have been mainly focused on the FRP bars with higher strength and better durability. Its application in beams, slabs, columns and other components has been widely studied. Finally, the paper points out shortcomings of the existing research and the work to be done in the future.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge wind engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):23-30. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.203

      Abstract (787) HTML (0) PDF 6.32 M (1466) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the construction of super-long span bridges, such as the Canakkale 1915 Bridge in Turkey, the Zhanggao River-crossing Corridor and the Xihoumen Highway-Railway Bridge in China, the wind engineering research of bridges is facing new challenges. Following the research progress of the previous year, this paper focuses on the key problems of bridge wind engineering, including bridge flutter, vortex-induced vibration and buffeting. Through sorting out the literatures of main academic journals in the field of wind engineering, the state-of-the-art focusing on the main aspects of wind-resistant of long-span bridges in 2020 was reviewed and discussed.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge hydrodynamics in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):31-42. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.204

      Abstract (768) HTML (0) PDF 10.12 M (1225) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand the development trend of the research of bridge hydrodynamics and on the basis of summarizing its research contents, methods and achievements, the follow-up research will be carried out better, this paper reviews the recent literatures published in 2020 from the aspects of wave current effect, local scour of foundation, fluid solid coupling, multi disaster effect of extreme marine environment, etc. It is found that the research hotspots of bridge hydrodynamics mainly focus on the models of an extreme wave, current action, and wave-current interaction, the influence factors and depth prediction of pier local scour, the fluid-structure coupling of the deep-water bridge under earthquake action, the combined effort of wind and wave disaster assessment and risk analysis of bridge in an extreme marine environment, response analysis and optimization design of long-span floating bridge structure. By combing the shortcomings of the existing research, the following urgent research directions are proposed: structural fluid-structure coupling in extreme wave and current environment, pier erosion monitoring and protection, intelligent and information-based bridge hydrodynamic disaster prediction, and multi disaster research.

    • State-of-the-art review of box girder and cable-supported bridge analysis theories in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):43-52. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.205

      Abstract (483) HTML (0) PDF 9.63 M (1578) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Modern bridges is symbolled by long-span, light-weight and high-strength, of which the box girder and cable-supported bridges are two important parts. To that point, the corresponding research progress in 2019 of the related theories is summarized by the authors, including the theory of the new box girder with corrugated steel webs and traditional box girder, the interaction between cable and saddle in multi-tower cable bridge, the ultimate load capacity of cable-supported bridges, and application of UHPC technology in cable-supported bridges. A review is made to further understand the research trends of the above five aspects in 2020. In addition, the recent development of the cable-supported bridges is discussed. It is concluded that as the emergency of the new structural forms the refined analysis theory of box girder and cable-supported bridges have new opportunities to extend.

    • State-of-the-art review of steel bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):53-69. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.206

      Abstract (640) HTML (0) PDF 23.10 M (1387) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to promote the development of steel bridge technology, research hot issues and frontiers in recent years in the field of steel bridges at home and abroad were systematically sorted out. Firstly, it reviews the recent construction achievements and technological progress of large-scale steel bridges in China in 2020. Then the latest progress made in the main research directions in the field of steel bridges are systematically summarized. At the same time, many pioneering work done in various aspects of the steel bridge are introduced in detail. It is expected to provide basic information and reference for engineering applications and academic research in the field of steel bridges.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge construction monitoring in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):70-78. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.207

      Abstract (887) HTML (0) PDF 6.03 M (1709) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bridge construction monitoring is an important part of bridge construction technology and the key to ensure the quality of bridge construction, as well as the safety guarantee of bridge construction, has become an important content of research in the field of bridge engineering. By means of literature research, with the keywords of "construction control/monitoring ", "construction control theory/method", "construction monitoring system" and "intelligent monitoring", more than 60 scientific research papers published in 2020 were searched and sorted on Web of Science, Science Direct and CNKI. This paper mainly summarized the research progress of domestic and foreign scholars in the aspects of bridge construction control theory, construction control parameter identification and state prediction, bridge construction monitoring system and intelligent monitoring, and the hot spots of bridge construction control research in the future were prospected.

    • State-of-the-art review of fatigue of steel bridge in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):79-90. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.208

      Abstract (1142) HTML (0) PDF 9.71 M (2386) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Steel bridge has outstanding advantages, such as high ratio of strength to weight, large span capacity, easy to factory manufacturing and assembly construction, where bridge engineering is going in the further. However, the engineering practice shows that fatigue and fracture are the decisive factors to reduce the service performance of steel structure and cause catastrophic accidents, which seriously restrict the development and application of steel bridges. The in-depth and systematic researches on this practical engineering problem from different perspectives have been conducted. To clarify the urgent problems and determine the research focuses and development directions in the next stage, the latest research progress in fatigue of steel bridge are summarized, including fatigue failure mechanism and fatigue resistance assessment method, anti-fatigue design and construction technology, environmental factors and their effect mechanism to fatigue resistance, fatigue crack identification, monitoring and detection, fatigue crack treatments and fatigue performance enhancement. The results demonstrate that the fatigue issue is a hot topic to researchers and engineers. the researches on fatigue critical problems in steel bridge has made adequate progress. Based on the studies including anti-fatigue design method, structures with high fatigue resistance, fatigue resistance assessment method, construction technology, fatigue damage monitoring and fatigue micro-crack identification, remaining fatigue life prediction and fatigue performance enhancement, it is the research emphasis and future directions to establish the fatigue resistance technology of steel bridges in life cycle.

    • State-of-the-art review of seismic design of bridge in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):91-99. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.209

      Abstract (1179) HTML (0) PDF 9.49 M (1511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Earthquake may cause great damage to bridge structure, damage and even collapse of bridge. The seismic resistance of bridges has always been an important research direction in the field of bridges. This paper summarizes the research results and development trend of the seismic field of bridges in 2020, and the main conclusions are as follows: the seismic performance of the pier column after replacing ordinary concrete with new materials is explored; The shaking isolation pier has good seismic performance through shaking table experiment and numerical simulation; The displacement ductility and residual displacement of the pier can be improved by using the carbon fiber cloth sheath to strengthen the pier column; The traditional single leg to double limb thin-walled high pier has better seismic performance, the hysteretic curve of the double limb thin-walled pier with high main reinforcement ratio is full, and the energy consumption performance is good, and the axial pressure ratio is improved significantly; The rectangular hollow double column high pier with energy dissipation beam has better energy consumption capacity, bearing capacity and displacement ductility; The system of vibration reduction with friction pendulum support and limit energy dissipation rod has good effect of reducing isolation, and the internal force damping rate can reach more than 20%; The reliability of using new type of unbonded steel mesh rubber support (USRB) instead of unbonded laminated rubber support (ULNR) in bridge is studied; The influence of near field vibration and soil structure interaction on the dynamic response of the bridge is investigated.

    • State-of-the-art review of the durability of concrete bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):100-106. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.210

      Abstract (879) HTML (0) PDF 2.99 M (1590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, the durability of concrete bridges has attracted extensive attention from researchers and has been one of the hot topics in bridge research. The durability of concrete bridges can affect the safety and service life of bridges directly. Currently, the research on the durability of concrete bridges is mainly divided into two aspects: 1) From the perspective of the damage mechanism of the materials, the damage modes and influence factors of the bridge component materials are studied and the influence mechanism of the durability of the concrete bridge materials is analyzed; 2) From the whole of the bridge structure, the design and evaluation of the durability of the bridge and the maintenance of the bridge are studied, and the methods to improve the durability of the concrete bridge structures are explored. In order to grasp the research trend on the durability of the concrete bridge, this paper reviewed the literature on the durability research of concrete bridges by domestic and foreign scholars in 2020, from the design of the concrete bridge, the durability of the concrete material research, the study of concrete bridge reinforcement corrosion and the durability of concrete bridge improving technology, the influence of different service environment on the durability of the bridge, performance evaluation and service life prediction. The research focus and development direction of the durability of concrete bridges in the future are discussed.

    • State-of-the-art review of steel-concrete composite bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):107-119. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.211

      Abstract (1487) HTML (0) PDF 12.97 M (1784) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Steel-concrete composite bridges, one of the sustainable structural forms, have excellent composite technical, economic and social results, and are increasingly popular in the bridge engineering. The steel-concrete composite structure can give full play to the material advantages of concrete and steel, and has been widely used in many fields of structural engineering, because of the reasonable load transfer, the economic efficiency, and the ease of construction. In order to accelerate bridge construction to assemblage, greening and intellectualization, promoting the use of steel-concrete composite structures in small and medium-span bridges faces opportunities and challenges. Two major categories, including research on commonly used shear connectors and steel-concrete composite girders in 2020, are collected, categorized and reviewed. Research on shear connectors covers the basic mechanical properties of stud connectors, PBL connectors, bolt connectors, and improved connectors, as well as the durability and degradation properties of connectors. Research on composite beams includes theoretical models, combined effects and spatial behavior, performance in the negative moment zone, dynamic characteristics of composite beams, deterioration performance, detection and reinforcement, construction methods.

    • State-of-the-art review of numerical simulation of bridge structure in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):120-128. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.212

      Abstract (549) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (1561) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of computer technology and in-depth study of computation theory, numerical analysis has become the major analysis method for bridge structure. At present, through the numerical simulation of bridge structure, the mechanical behavior and response under various complex actions can be obtained, with which the calculation efficiency and adaptability are far higher than those of analytical method and model test. Based on the relevant research results in recent years, the application of numerical analysis technology in bridge structure analysis and the latest research results are summarized. This paper mainly focuses on the finite element numerical simulation technology related to the analysis of the main mechanical behavior of bridge structure, including the latest research direction of beam theory, the nonlinear analysis methods and technologies, the research progress of a variety of numerical constitutive models for bridge structure materials, and the timeliness of Mechanical properties of bridge structures under corrosive environment. The new development of finite element method and numerical simulation method of composite structure based on beam theory are summarized. Finally, the problems that need to be further studied and solved in this field are analyzed and prospected.

    • State-of-the-art review of the bridge health monitoring in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):129-134. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.213

      Abstract (890) HTML (0) PDF 2.37 M (1750) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The bridge health monitoring system (BHMS)continuously measures and records the structural responses by using a variety of sensors and communication devices in the bridge operation process. The automatic analysis of signal data can be done effectively in the BHMS to fulfill the timely danger warning and safety assessment. The BHMS leads to the better transportation operation of bridges, the longer service life of bridges, and the more reasonable determination of the bridge management and maintenance for engineers. For the sake of the more efficient application of health monitoring system in bridge engineering, this paper summarizes the current states of several representative BHMS techniques: signal denoising, signal warning, modal parameter identification, finite element model updating, damage identification, condition prediction and assessment. Then, the related researches and applications of these key techniques during 2020 are summarized and discussed. Consequently, it is found that the machine learning methods have been more and more widely used in the current research of key technologies of the bridge health monitoring.

    • State-of-the-art review of vehicle-bridge coupling vibration in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):135-141. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.214

      Abstract (601) HTML (0) PDF 4.44 M (1156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The main research contents of vehicle-bridge coupled vibration include vehicle-bridge coupled vibration and random vibration under the effect of track irregularity, wind-vehicle-bridge coupled vibration, earthquake-vehicle-bridge coupled vibration, new rail vehicle-track beam coupling Vibration and other aspects. At present, the construction of railway bridges in China is facing new challenges such as larger spans, high speeds, and high comfort levels. Under external excitations such as wind loads and train loads, the vehicle-bridge interaction is becoming more and more significant. How to accurately predict the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge coupling system and the running performance of high-speed trains in the actual complex wind environment, and provide technical guidance for bridge design, line operation, maintenance and management, and become a research hotspot and development trends in the field of vehicle-bridge coupled vibration in 2020.

    • State-of-the-art review of vibration and noise reduction of rail transit bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):142-151. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.215

      Abstract (589) HTML (0) PDF 11.75 M (1238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid development of high-speed railway and urban rail transit, the problems of vibration and noise become more and more prominent. The noise mitigation of traditional vertical sound barrier is obvious on wheel rail noise, but it is insufficient when the train speed exceeds 250 km/h. Therefore, fully enclosed sound barrier is pushed the construction alongside high-speed railway. In recent years, steel bridges or steel-concrete composite bridges have gradually been widely applied in high-speed railway and urban rail transit. Steel bridges or steel-concrete composite bridges have greaterer sound radiation ability, wide spectrum, large amplitude and difficult to control. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the noise radiation issue when steel bridges or steel-concrete composite bridges are built in environmentally sensitive areas. Focusing on the two study directions of "noise reduction performance and dynamic characteristics of high-speed railway sound barrier" and "vibration and noise reduction of steel bridge", the research trends and development trend of this direction are briefly reviewed in this article.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge assessment and reinforcement in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):152-166. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.216

      Abstract (515) HTML (0) PDF 8.96 M (1703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the contradiction between the demand of bridge construction brought by the rapid economic development and the backward technical reserve in the period of large-scale construction, China will face the increasing pressure of bridge maintenance in the next 10-30 years. Based on the latest research progress in the field of bridge evaluation and reinforcement, this paper introduces the chemical and physical methods of the main bridge disease monitoring technology, the bridge health monitoring technology and equipment including sensor technology and signal processing technology; The bridge health evaluation method based on time-varying reliability theory and historical data is compared, and the significance of structural parameter inversion relative to artificial intelligence is discussed; The partial reinforcement methods for bending, shearing and seismic resistance, the integral reinforcement methods for additional structural systems, and the electrochemical chlorine removal technology are introduced. The decision-making methods of maintenance and reinforcement of network level and project level are introduced. Considering the cross-disciplinary characteristics, some advanced sensors, signal processing technology and evaluation theory are also introduced in order to clarify the internal logic, and it may be able to play a certain inspiration and train of thought inspiration.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge thermal action and effects in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):167-174. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.217

      Abstract (653) HTML (0) PDF 3.29 M (2150) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Temperature action is one of the important loads in bridge construction and operation stages. With the extension of traffic network, severe climate could be expected to cause larger temperature action than those recommended in the specifications. The complexity of traffic environment also increases the probability of bridge fire and related damage. In-depth study of bridge ambient and fire temperature field, and identification of its actions and effects can ensure the safety of bridge from the aspects of design, construction and maintenance. This study reviews the latest research on ambient temperature action, temperature effect and bridge fire action in 2020, and prospects the hotspots and directions of the future research of bridge thermal action and effects.

    • State-of-the-art review of advances in the implementation of UHPC-OSD system in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):175-184. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.218

      Abstract (742) HTML (0) PDF 1.38 M (2080) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)is combined with the Orthotropic Steel Deck (OSD)in a lot of projects nowadays. That is a typical example of the implementation of new materials and new structures in bridge engineering. Benefitting from its high stiffness, UHPC slab can evidently reduce the local deformation of OSD. In this way, we can greatly reduce the fatigue stress amplitude and the fatigue resistance is increased. In the present work, we reviewed the research advances on the composite UHPC-OSD system from five aspects: the new structures, the shear connectors, the basic static behaviors of the composite deck, the fatigue performance of the composite deck and the basic mechanical properties of UHPC or UHPC members. Most of the concerned literature was published in 2020 or 2021. However, some works reported in a few other recent years were still mentioned in the present work.

    • State-of-the-art review of the application of filber reinforced polymer in bridge structures reinforcement in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):185-189. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.219

      Abstract (569) HTML (0) PDF 5.61 M (1437) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)has been widely used in modern bridge engineering and old bridges reinforcement in recent years due to the excellent material properties that can adapt to the development needs of bridge structures towards light weight and durability. In order to promote the development of bridges structures reinforcement using composite materials as well as meet the diversified needs of engineering operation and maintenance, this article reviews the research on the reinforcement characteristics of old bridges, the performance of FRP and the methods of strengthening bridges. The research and application of FRP in bridges reinforcement in recent years is elaborated in detail from two aspects of concrete and steel bridge reinforcement. FRP has become an important bridge reinforcement method because of its obvious strengthening performance and great efficiency. In order to develop and expand its application scope, it is necessary to standardize FRP anchor, promote the monitorability of strengthened bridges and establish a specification system of FRP strengthened bridge structures.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge maintenance in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):190-197. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.220

      Abstract (463) HTML (0) PDF 1.86 M (1045) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of bridge maintenance is to maintain the normal traffic function of the bridge, to meet the requirements of load,speed and other factors, and to prevent sudden and serious disasters. Bridge maintenance has the characteristics of long-term, local and emergency. At present, there are special bridge maintenance institutions which have formed systems and specifications for daily inspection, regular inspection, special inspection, special inspection, maintenance and reinforcement of bridges. The maintenance contents and key points have been clearly defined and implemented, and the maintenance technology can meet most of the requirements. At present, the outstanding problem is how to achieve rapid maintenance and emergency treatment. High speed railway and urban rail transit are in uninterrupted operation, high-density traffic, and construction is prohibited during traffic. They can only use the skylight time of 0~4 a.m. every day for maintenance, and the line must be opened after 4 a.m. every day. Highway also requires continuous maintenance. After the occurrence of sudden disasters, it needs emergency treatment and maintenance. The maintenance system of railway system makes it easier to collect data and realize data standardization. Bridge maintenance is developing in the direction of rapid maintenance and intelligent maintenance. This paper mainly introduces the research progress of bridge maintenance in 2020 from three aspects: disease and treatment, maintenance strategy and new maintenance technology.

    • State-of-the-art review of risk assessment on bridges construction in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):198-206. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.221

      Abstract (693) HTML (0) PDF 2.42 M (1572) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand the specific contents of bridge construction risk assessment and the development trend in the past year, and to carry out the better follow-up research on the basis of summarizing the research content, methods and achievements, the recent literatures were consulted, classified, summarized and commented from four aspects of the bridge construction risk identification, risk probability and loss estimation, risk assessment and control, dynamic risk assessment. The results show that the composite risk identification method, risk identification database system and visualization were developing continuously. The quantitative probability correction based on monitoring data and the construction of social loss model were the new development of risk probability and loss estimation. The new development of risk assessment was based on clustering or data field risk assessment method and the improvement of model accuracy. The fine modification of risk chain transferring model and dynamic evaluation model based on monitoring data were the new directions of dynamic risk assessment. Finally, some suggestions were put forward for the shortcomings of the existing research and the further development of this direction, which can be references for the work to be done in the future.

    • State-of-the-art review of explosion and fire resistance of bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):207-221. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.223

      Abstract (754) HTML (0) PDF 13.62 M (1352) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The demand for energy exchange increases as the rapid development of regional economy, and the number of vehicles loading and transporting "burning, vapour, explosion and chemical" dangerous chemicals is increasing. The structural safety of bridge in-service is seriously threatened due to the explosion and fire caused by the vehicles emerge in an endless stream. As a hot topic in the field of bridge disaster prevention, scholars have made fruitful research in the field of bridge explosion and fire resistance. Based on the publications in 2020, this paper briefly summarizes the research results at the present stage. This paper focuses on the explosion impact load test and numerical simulation method, bridge fire test and simulation technology, bridge anti-explosion performance and deterioration mechanism, bridge damage mechanism and safety assessment under fire, bridge anti-explosion safety assessment method, bridge performance evolution and disaster mechanism after overfire. The explosion test technology at present through the analysis of the system and research the mechanics characteristics of structure under high strain rate, complicated fire environment temperature transmission and distribution, coupled damage evolution of the bridge subjected on multi-disasters, disaster mechanism and bridge structure safety assessment system are of lack and urgent need. In order to ensure the service safety of bridge structure in the whole life cycle, the structural characteristics and operation and maintenance safety under extreme load conditions such as explosion and fire have been is of primary importance in the operation and maintenance of bridge.

    • State-of-the-art review of reliability in bridge engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):222-227. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.224

      Abstract (766) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (1373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the uncertainty of the inherent properties and the complexity of the environment, bridges need to have sufficient reliability in different stages of design, construction, and operation. In order to understand the latest developments in the research and application of bridge engineering reliability in 2020, the relevant theoretical methods, scientific research content and results at different stages are summarized through literature review. In terms of the bridge reliability theory and methods, GPR models and radial basis neural networks are introduced to obtain the implicit structural function functions. Copula theory is introduced to consider the relationship between the probability of multiple failure modes. The probabilistic reliability and non-probabilistic reliability methods, Monte Carlo simulation, time-varying reliability theory, etc. are used for reliability evaluation. The technical status and reliability of existing bridges are still hot spots in the field of bridge engineering at home and abroad. The time-varying model of bridge resistance and external load under environmental conditions is the focus of the time-varying reliability analysis and the life prediction of bridges. Reliability theory and analysis methods have been gradually developed in bridge engineering design. There are more and more dynamic reliability studies and applications that consider the randomness of dynamic load action and the randomness of structural parameters.

    • State-of-the-art review of BIM in bridge engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):228-233. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.225

      Abstract (517) HTML (0) PDF 6.21 M (1248) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Building information modeling is regarded as the second revolution of engineering design after CAD, which is the key to digital transformation of civil Engineering Industry. But the application in bridge engineering is still rare, and research and application still need to be strengthened. In order to provide some references and new ideas for the future development of BIM in bridge engineering, this paper reviews, summarizes the research and application progress of bridge engineering BIM in 2020 from the following three aspects: 1)industrial policy, standards and guide, 2)basic research and software development, 3)application in bridge engineering.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge aesthetics in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):234-241. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.226

      Abstract (625) HTML (0) PDF 9.96 M (804) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article sorts out the domestic and foreign development of bridge aesthetics in recent one year to review the development achievements by some aspects such as bridge aesthetic thought and theory, bridge aesthetic design methods and theory, bridge landscape design and reconstruction, bridge planning and design, bridge design and research on culture and history, new technology application on bridge aesthetic design, bridge aesthetic design and practice etc. Brief prediction of future research hotspots and development directions are made and suggestions and viewpoints are put forward in the end, hoping to be benefit with bridge aesthetics theory and design practice.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge impact research in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):242-251. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.227

      Abstract (892) HTML (0) PDF 1.32 M (2211) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bridge impact is a key problem for existing bridges and bridges under construction for a long time. The research on impact and protection problems meets the needs of development. In recent years, scholars have paid more and more attention to bridge impact, and conducted a lot of researches. Following the New Progress and Prospect of Bridge Impact Research in 2019, the author continues to summarize the progress in 2020 in three aspects, such as bridge ship collision, rockfall impact and vehicle collision bridge. Among them, for the bridge ship collision problem, the new code clearly proposes that the main structure of highway bridge should adopt the performance-based anti-collision design method. In 2020, sand mining vessel collision accidents, the broken of Yaxi high-speed bridge, and many vehicle bridge collision events have occurred. This paper sortes these bridge impact events, analyzes and summarizes the relevant achievements in the past year according to personal understanding, and then puts forward the problems that need to be further considered in the future research.

    • State-of-the-art review of planning and protection of bridge cultural heritage in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):252-260. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.228

      Abstract (450) HTML (0) PDF 15.00 M (1070) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the process of cultural integration in the world, all countries pay more attention to the protection of their cultural heritage. As a kind of heritage of comprehensive human activities, bridge cultural heritage has many attributes such as transportation heritage, architectural heritage, urban planning heritage, industrial heritage, etc., and has been paid more and more attention by all countries in the world. However, at present, compared with other cultural heritages, the research and practice of bridge cultural heritages in the global scope are still immature and have not formed a system. Through the statistics of ancient bridge, ancient bridge culture and related research in the past 20 years in China, we can clearly see the overall status of bridge cultural heritage research in China. Moreover, based on the induction and analysis of the research results of bridge cultural heritage in 2020, the paper expounds and summarizes the research progress of bridge cultural heritage in 2020, and looks forward to the planning and protection of bridge cultural heritage in the future.

    • State-of-the-art review of cloud computing for bridge engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):261-267. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.229

      Abstract (330) HTML (0) PDF 9.56 M (726) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With development of bridge construction, integration of bridge design-construction-maintenance, refined management of bridge operation in China puts forward higher requirements for data storage, computing capacity etc. Cloud computing is an effective measure to satisfy the demands. By means of literature retrieval, the applications of cloud computing in bridge engineering in recent years are summarized, such aspects as bridge health monitoring, big data and internet of things in bridge, BIM and collaborative design based on cloud computing. The feasible focuses of future research and application are suggested.

    • State-of-the-art review of bridge informatization and intelligent bridge in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):268-279. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.230

      Abstract (2182) HTML (0) PDF 8.80 M (2602) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the advent of digital era characterized by informatization and intelligence, the development and innovation of bridge engineering technology are promoted. It is necessary to integrate cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, robot and other strategic emerging industrial technologies with bridge engineering, and promote the industrialization, digitization and intelligent upgrading of bridges from multiple dimensions such as intelligent design, construction, operation and maintenance. This paper reviews related frontier technologies and important achievements worldwide in 2020, with regard to bridge informatization, intelligent inspection, safety operation and maintenance, intelligent disaster prevention/mitigation, intelligent materials, and summarizes the research hotspots and prospects. According to the review, BIM technologies can improve the refinement of bridge forward design, the accuracy of construction process control and management. Intelligent inspection technologies (e.g. UAV and robots)and artificial intelligence technologies (e.g. machine learning and convolution neural network)improve the accuracy and efficiency of bridge inspection and monitoring. Applications of high-performance intelligent materials promotes the self-perception, self-adaptability, self-adjustment and self-diagnosis of bridge. Natural disaster monitoring and early warning based on artificial intelligence (AI)provides new development idea for bridge intelligent disaster prevention. To conform to the development trend of informatization and intelligence, future research should deeply integrate artificial intelligence technology into the whole life cycle of bridge design, construction and maintenance to realize the dream of bridge power.

    • State-of-the-art review of hydrology for bridges and culverts in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):280-287. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.231

      Abstract (713) HTML (0) PDF 3.38 M (1258) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hydrology for bridges and culverts is mainly based on the river and hydrological environment and other factors for bridge design, which is an important basic work of bridge site environmental design. By reviewing the development of hydrology for bridges and culverts in recent years, some key issues from hydrology of bridges and culverts, such as research methods, design flood discharge, causes of bridge foundation scour and influencing factors, and calculation of the scour depth of bridge piers and abutments, elaborated the development achievements of hydrology for bridges and culverts and briefly summarized the current difficulties and future hotspots.

    • State-of-the-art review of prefabricated concrete bridge structures in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):288-296. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.232

      Abstract (939) HTML (0) PDF 5.47 M (2208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Prefabricated bridges have became an important development direction of bridge construction due to the advantages of good construction quality, low impact on the environment, short on-site operation time, and high level of construction safety. Prefabricated concrete bridges are not only suitable for urban road bridges with complex traffic, but also for railway bridges in difficult construction environments. This paper sorts out the research progress of prefabricated concrete bridges at home and abroad in 2020 through the method of literature analysis. According to the types of bridge structure, new technologies, new structures and typical engineering applications in this field are discussed from two aspects: the upper structure and the lower structure. After a rough summary in this article, in the superstructure, the connection structure, crack resistance and durability of the nodes have received extensive attention from scholars; in the substructure, as the prefabricated system is applied to the bridge in the high-intensity earthquake area, the structure and seismic performance of prefabricated bridge piers are currently hot research topics. The durability and crack resistance of the substructure still need to be improved.

    • State-of-the-art review of the construction technology in deep-water long-span bridges in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):297-307. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.233

      Abstract (460) HTML (0) PDF 9.65 M (1549) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the increasement of economic strength and significant improvement in science and technology, bridge engineering is developing rapidly towards larger span, deeper foundation and higher tower. Many new problems appears to bridge builders, such as: accurate positioning of deep water foundation during floating and sinking, anti-erosion of super-large caisson foundation, large diameter drilled pier construction, optimization of anchoring structure in long-span cable-stayed bridge tower, temperature control of hydration heat for mass concrete of ultrahigh bridge tower, development of new hydraulic climbing template system for ultrahigh bridge tower. These are the key problems for safe and smooth construction and long-term reliable operation for deep-water long-span bridges. The development and achievements gained in 2020 related to those key problems are analyzed and summarized to improve the construction technology, the problem-solving capacity of the builders and to give technical support for the promotion of deep-water long-span bridges.

    • State-of-the-art review of the bridge foundation engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):308-314. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.234

      Abstract (511) HTML (0) PDF 2.98 M (1198) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The foundation of a bridge is an essential structural part linking the bridge with the ground, and its function is to transmit the loads smoothly from piers and abutments to the supporting strata. Unlike foundations of other civil structures, the foundations of bridges are subjected to dynamic loads coming from the superstructures, usually located in water or even deep water and torrents, and have large volumes and self-weights. Consequently, there are special issues related to the design, construction, and maintenance of bridge foundations need to be addressed, especially those relevant to the bridges crossing wide rivers, deep seawaters, and poor geological terrains. Based on the published journal articles and reports, this paper reviews the progresses in the research and development of bridge foundation types, foundation scour, foundation construction, and seismic resistance of foundations. Existing issues in the research and development of bridge foundations are discussed and the following topics are suggested for future studies: water-sediment interaction theory and mechanisms of sediment transport for scour at deep water foundations; advanced deep-water foundation structures suitable for China's sea bedrock; key techniques for positioning and setting of large caisson foundations; and dynamic soil-foundation-structure interaction under earthquake.

    • State-of-the-art review of timber bridge in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):315-320. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.235

      Abstract (528) HTML (0) PDF 6.63 M (869) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Timber bridge is a kind of bridge built with timber as the main building material, which is eco-friendly, lightweight and aesthetic, convenient for construction and reliable in performance. In recent years, as the gradual recovery of forest resources in China, the processing, anticorrosion and connection technologies of modern timber structure are improving continuously, and timber bridge has become an ideal type for middle and small span bridge construction. To better adapt to the current situation of bridge construction, promote the application and development of wooden bridges, the application status of timber bridge, timber decking technology, the detection and strengthening technology, timber-concrete combined bridges and other aspects are summarized in this paper. Hoping to assist the reference of practitioners in the industry.

    • State-of-the-art review of big data on bridge engineering in 2020

      2021, 43(S1):321-326. DOI: 10.11835/j.issn.2096-6717.2021.236

      Abstract (712) HTML (0) PDF 4.54 M (1679) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the background of the information era, the application of big data on bridge engineering has become a hot topic. The massive data obtained from data collection methods like bridge health monitoring have brought great challenges to bridge engineering practitioners in terms of data processing and application. Focusing on the research progress of big data on bridge engineering in 2020, we reviewed data preprocessing methods such as efficient storage, exception handling, redundancy and noise reduction, and focuses on specific applications of big data such as damage identification, condition assessment, and intelligent management. The relevant research progress of big data on bridge engineering in 2020 is sorted out and the existing achievements along with the focuses and difficulties of future research applications are summarized.

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