针对现有车辆传动系统实验台实际情况:只能通过下位单片机8031对实验台进行控制,下位机采集的数据无法传送给上位机。作者提出了采取上下位机多机通信的方式,以充分利用下位机控制和数据采集功能来对实验台进行改造,实现上位机对加载设备电涡流测功机加载扭矩的自动控制,并接收下位机的数据。通过用VC++编写标准32位动态链接库,对上位机8250寄存器直接读写,控制程序中可方便设置数据第9位,在不需要MSCOMM控件的条件下,实现了在WIDOWS环境下基于Visual Basic的上位机和多片8031单片机的正确通信,满足了该实验台进行液力变矩器台架实验的需要,使实验台改造投资大大减少,缩短实验时间。
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In existing equipment vehicle transmission test bed can be controlled only by 8031 SCM and data can not be transmitted from SCM to PC. In order to take most advantage of available equipment, data transfer between PC and Multi SCM is put forward. By this way, torque of eddycurrent dynamometer can be controlled by PC programs and satisfy the needs of torque convert experiment. Making use of Dynamic Link Library 8250 registers can be read and written directly. Programs can set the ninth bit easily without Microsoft Communication Control. Data are transmitted between PC and Multi SCM though RS232 COM successfully by using Visual Basic programs. Cost and time are sharply reduced.
国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (5 9835 160 ),福特——国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 12 2 10 1)