对三峡库区内长江、嘉陵江(重庆主城段)近年来水源水质研究发现,两江水源pH值偏高,高锰酸钾指数(CODMn)值多数时期超过4.5 mg/L,小分子量的溶解性有机物(DOM)比重较大,且在夏季洪水高浊期,有机物污染较严重。采用模糊加权水质质量系数法和系统聚类法对两江原水水质进行了综合评价和水质聚类分期,在研究期内,长江原水水质按类别分为夏季高浊污染期、春秋中温微污染期、冬季低温微污染期;嘉陵江原水水质按类别分为低浊水质期、初春高藻水污染期、夏季高浊污染期。两江水源在不同时期水源水质差别较大,属于难以通过常规处理达到《生活饮用水水质标准》(GB 57492006)水质要求的水体,因此应对不同时期重庆主城段的水源进行适宜的强化处理研究。
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Recent researches on the Yangtze River and the Jialing River water in Chongqing section of the Three Gorges Reservoir indicate that the pH value is relatively high and the CODMnconcentration is more than 4.5 mg/L in most of the time. Especially the proportion of dissolved molecule organic is high, as well as the high turbidity during the summer flood period. And the organic contamination is relatively serious. The fuzzy weighted water quality coefficient and hierarchical cluster analysis methods are applied to evaluate and sort the characteristic qualities of two-river water sources. During the research period, the results show that the Yangtze River water source quality is characterized by high turbidity and polluted of summer stage, middle temperature and micro-polluted of spring-autumn stage and low temperature and micro-polluted of winter stage. The Jialing River water source quality is characterized by low turbidity stage, high alga-polluted of early spring stage and high temperature and polluted of winter stage. Due to the various water qualities of two-river water sources at different periods, it is hard to meet the requirement of Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006) by using traditional water treatment technologies. So the research on enhanced treatment is necessary.